Budget Committee Minutes 01.14.15



JANUARY 14, 2015


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with George Cilley, Don Jackson, Will Hurley, Beth Downs, John Pfeifle, Selectmen’s Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Susan Reynolds was absent.

Review and Consideration of January 7, 2015 minutes:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the January 7, 2015 minutes as presented.

Seconded by Beth Downs. Cheryl Behr stated she wanted her request from last week in the minutes, that being: “ For additional funds to cover wages needed to fill in with a part time person while Maureen is caring for her sick child. Currently Maureen is only able to work 18-20 hours per week”

Motion carried unanimously.

Question was asked how long Maureen has worked for the town, and Cheryl Behr advised six years.

Interview with Fire Chief on equipment replacement:

Dick Keller, Chair explained that the committee has discussed the equipment replacement as to being correct for getting over bridges and long driveways. Also, whether we need additional equipment with what we have in relation to the number of firemen who can respond, as well as can a town of this size afford this amount of debt.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief stated that they are replacing equipment, and does not feel the town does have too many pieces of equipment.

Cooperative Fire Departments were discussed by joining forces with some of the surrounding towns, with a central location. Mark sated that one thing remains the same, regardless of the type of fire, and that is water supply, so yes, the two tankers are needed. The attacker engine carries 1000 gallons and one tanker carries 1400 gallons and the second tanker carries 1800 gallons,

In response to a question asked, Mark Goldberg stated that it would be a Planning Board regulation regarding driveways of new property. Mark Goldberg stated that if a bridge is not rated, the fire department will not go over it. Much conversation ensued.

Inoculations for $2500 was discussed and it was stated that this is required by the state and there is a larger number on the Rescue Squad at this time.

Ed Shaughnessy, Police Department related that he has personal input that the Fire Department did a great job in a life saving operation today.

Review of Warrant Articles as proposed by the Board of Selectmen:

John Pfeifle stated that the Selectmen have not voted specifically on any Warrant Articles at this time, but generally agreed on numbers. Still looking to negotiate with the budget committee.

Massasecum Bridge: No money is left from last year for this project. It is believed that $5,000 will complete the structural part of the bridge. The lumber, design, assembly and installation are all being donated.

Town Hall Bond $900,000 for twenty years is being considered for 3.99%. John Pfeifle advised this is a number he has been given from the Town Hall Restoration Committee Chair. They are meeting tomorrow. There may be a clause if this fails for a $150,000 for the restoration of the town hall. The town does take care of heat, lights if the bond does not pass. John Pfeifle advised people are raising money. The hazardous waste will be taken out of the facility prior to town meeting. Cheryl Behr advised there is currently thirty thousand dollars remaining in the Town Hall account from last year. The Selectmen are waiting for a revolving bond figures from the bank.

A sheet was provided to the board members with Future Warrant Articles which was discussed at length with no decisions or votes at this time. The anticipated current total of warrant articles is $624,896.00.

The consensus of the board members is for the order of articles in the town report be set up as it was last year.

It was reiterated that the Budget Committee First Pubic Hearing will be held on February 4, 2015 with the second one on February11, 2015 if required.

Operating Budget:

Executive        $182,000.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative.

Election & Vital Records      $ 4,000.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Financial Administration        $ 94,275.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Revaluations   $ 18,152.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Legal   $ 20,000.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Employee Benefits      -0- Will take off list, no longer relevant

Planning & Zoning      $ 10,299.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Gen. Govt Buildings   $ 56,842.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Cemetery         $ 26,125.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Will go out to bid.

Insurance         $ 79,003.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Other Gen. Govt         $ 8,800.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Police Dept.    $470,000.00 5 affirmative votes, John Pfeifle voted Nay

Suggestion was to put money aside each year for 4th year if Cop Grant is received, and 3 year’s finances are covered.

Fire Dept.        $ 60,450.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Rescue Service            $ 90,177.00 Decision to Hold on this

Building Code Dept.  $ 14,790.00 5 affirmative votes, John Pfeifle voted Nay Action Item to be looked into per John Pfeifle

Emergency Management        $ 2,750.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative State mandated every five years.

Highway Dept.           $505,000.00 5 affirmative votes, Dick Keller voted Nay

Bridge Maintenance    $ 100.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Street Lighting            $ 4,944.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Solid Waste Collection           $ 76,958.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Solid Waste Disposal  $ 35,100.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Inoculations    $ 2,500.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Welfare Admin           $ 6,502.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Welfare Vendor Payments      $ 34,688.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Parks & Recreation     $ 2,000.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Library            $ 67,400.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Patriotic Purposes       $ 14,000.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Community Center     $ 23,107.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Other Conservation     $ 832.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Long Term Notes        $ 65,716.00 Unanimous vote in the affirmative

Interest on T.A.N.       $ 2,000.00

Discussion regarding Bond Hearing suggestion was made that it be held at the same time the Budget Committee Public Hearing, on February 4, 2015.

Next meeting scheduled for: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 6:30pm

There being no other business, adjourned 9:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
