Budget Committee Minutes 01.15.14



JANUARY 15, 2014


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with Jon Marden, George Cilley, Sue McKevitt, John Pfeifle, Selectmen’s Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of January 8, 2014 minutes:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle, Seconded by George Cilley to approve the January 8th minutes. Dick Keller advised on page 3, item #4312 should read 2.7%. Motion carried with edit, 5-0.

John Pfeifle handed out a comparison sheet from the year 2007 through 2018 showing a breakdown of the total town tax with percentages of change from year to year, including Town, Local School, State School, and County.

John Pfeifle went over a few items the Selectmen have discussed and are checking on:

1. Funds for Town Hall Restoration – present amount $1.650 from 1.4 million,  and went over possible funding methods and time extensions. This is still being worked on. If postponed for another year, labor and material cost will increase 10%  as well as interest rates increasing.

2. Warrant Article for Cruiser needs correct wording, and Cheryl is checking with the Attorney on this.

3. Police Budget questions.

4. Sharing services for next year with different Towns/Departments

5. Withdrawal of Road Bond in the amount of $335,000. John Pfeifle discussed this with the Road Agent for feasibility.

6. Town offices being guests in the Community Center and Language in Deed making Town in non-compliance.

1014 Operating Budget:

Motion was made by Jon Marden to open the Police Department Budget, #4220. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried Unanimously.

Jim Valiquet, Chief, Ed Shaughnessy and Steve Valiquet were present from the Police Department to answer any questions that may come up. Discussion ensued regarding scheduling, coverage and cruiser. Chief Valiquet explained that one full time officer had to be replaced and he is going to the Academy, making adjustments to shifts. The cruiser lease does have to go into the Warrant each year, and Cheryl Behr has procured legal advice as to the correct wording. Also a telephone line (938-2980) will be discontinued per Chief Jim Valiquet.

Dick Keller advised that if the Police Budget came in at a 2% increase, the amount would be $429,032.00. One change in the Police Department Budget is the insurance which has been transferred to each Department this year which is $13,000.00 +, for the Police Department which came out of the line item.

John Pfeifle advised the Selectmen are putting Four hundred fifty four thousand four hundred eighty two dollars ($454,482.00) in the Budget for the Police Department.

Jim Valiquet advised the Department brings in around $100.00 per week which goes into the General Fund but does not show on their Budget.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to recommend the Police Budget, #4210 at Four hundred twenty nine thousand thirty two dollars ($429,032.00) as a 2% increase rather than 5.4% increase. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion Defeated 3-2

Motion was made by Sue McKevitt to recommend Four hundred forty five thousand seven hundred twenty dollars $445,720.00) for the Police Department Budget #4210. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried with 1 Abstention, three yes and 1 No.

Budget Committee recommends.

Chris Frey requested the Fire Department and Rescue Warrant Articles be discussed next.

Article 11:

To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a lease purchase agreement for the purpose of purchasing a tanker truck for the fire department. (This agreement contains a fiscal funding non appropriation clause) and to raise One hundred and fifty two thousand dollars ($152,000) for the down payment and first year’s payment under the lease/purchase agreement. The total cost of the tanker truck over four years will be Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($238,100). The estimated annual payment for the remaining three years will be Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($28,700) per year.

Much discussion ensued. It was pointed out that there is an escape clause.

Motion was made by George Cilley to recommend Article 11 as written. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion defeated 4-1. Budget Committee does not recommend.

Article 12:

To see if the town will vote to discontinue the Fire Department Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund established in 1996. Said funds with accumulated interest to the date of withdrawal are to be transferred to the Town’s General Fund. This article is contingent on the passage of (the tanker warrant article #11).

Motion was made to recommend Article 12 made by Sue McKevitt. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion defeated 3-2. Budget Committee does not recommend.

Discussion regarding the ambulance resulted in suggestion of leaving the $10,000 in the Capital Reserve until the final position has been made by the Selectmen on January 27, 2014.

Operating Budget:

George Cilley question Line Item #1200 PT Special Projects which cuts out the Town Hall Restoration Secretary. Response was, this was determined to not be required at this time per Cheryl Behr. The Secretary suggested it would have been nice to have been so advised.

Motion was made to reconsider #4130 Executive by George Cilley. Seconded by Sue McKevitt. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Sue McKevitt to recommend One hundred eighty one thousand two hundred twenty six dollars ($181,226) for the Executive Budget #4130, a 1% increase over 2013. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 4-1. Budget Committee Recommends.

#4150- Financial – Leave as is.

#4191 Planning & Zoning:

Motion was made to reconsider Planning and Zoning by Sue McKevitt. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried.

Discussion ensued.

Motion was made by Sue McKevitt to recommend increasing Line Item #3901 by Four Hundred Dollars ($400.) for a total of $500.00 for that line, making the Planning & Zoning Budget total at Nine thousand four hundred fifty three dollars ($9,453) Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 4-1. Budget Committee recommends.

#4323 Solid Waste Collection:

Motion was made to reconsider Solid Waste Collection by Jon Marden. Seconded by Sue McKevitt. Motion defeated unanimously.

#4583 Patriotic Purposes

Motion was made by Sue McKevitt to reconsider Patriotic Purposes. Seconded by Jon Marden. Vote was defeated 4-1.

#4445 Welfare Payments:

Motion was made by Sue McKevitt to reconsider Welfare Payments. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion defeated 4-1 to reconsider.

#4240 Building Dept.

Motion was made to reconsider Building Dept. by Sue McKevitt. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion defeated unanimously.

#4312 Highway Department

Discussion ensued regarding taking money out of the Warrant Article and put into the operation budget per John Pfeifle. Money was just moved around. Amount remains at $465, 512. Do not reconsider.

Warrant Articles:

Article Five:

Explanation was given by John Pfeifle regarding figures and funding, including anticipated Grants for the Town Hall Restoration. This Article will be tabled until next week when a definite total has been agreed upon.

Article Seven:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) to repair and replace steel beams on the Breezy Hill Road Bridge (#161/145) This would be a non lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7,VI and will continue until the money is spent or December 31, 2019.

Motion was made to recommend Article Seven as written by Dick Keller. Seconded by Sue McKevitt. Motion carried Unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Eight:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Six Dollars ($70,956) to purchase a Ford 550 One Ton Truck for the Highway Department and to withdraw Seventy Thousand Nine Hundred and fifty Six Dollars ($70,956) from the Highway Department Capital Reserve Fund. There will be no added tax impact of this purchase.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to recommend Article Eight as written. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried Unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Nine:

To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($85,000) to work on asphalt roads in Bradford. This is a non lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and continue until the project is complete or December 31, 2019.

John Pfeifle advised the wording has been changed and it now encompasses increasing the road work they took away from the Three Hundred Thousand Dollar plus Bond, making it from $50,000 to $85,000.

Motion was made by George Cilley to recommend Article Nine as written. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried Unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Ten:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Fifty Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($53,300.00) for Bridge design and replacement. This will be a non lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI to continue until the money is used or December 31, 2019.

Motion was made by George Cilley to recommend Article Ten as written. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Thirteen:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to repair window casings and improve drainage at the Bradford Area Community Center in line with the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan.

Motion to recommend Article Thirteen as written was made by George Cilley. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion passed unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Question arose that last year the Operating Budget was raised $25,000.00 and did that include some of the current requests? Thoughts were that it was to take care of windows and drainage and also more importantly structural problems with the roof.

Cheryl Behr advised the roof, doors, alarms, two escape windows, carpets in the Senior Room have been done.

Article Fourteen:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to oversee the activities at the Boat Launch including certain safety regulations and milfoil inspection.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to recommend Article Fourteen as written. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Fifteen:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($10,800) to work with the State of NH and treat the milfoil in Lake Massasecum with herbicide.

John Pfeifle advised the Selectmen chose to delete (with herbicide).

Motion was made to recommend Article Fifteen with the deletion of the words with herbicide by George Cilley. Seconded by Jon Marden. No vote taken.

Consensus of the board is to hold on Article Fifteen until the re-write has been completed.

Article Sixteen:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) to engage Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) to assist the Planning Board, Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee in preparing the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for the 2015-2020 budget years. This will be non lapsing per RSA 32:7, VI and will continue until the money is spent or December 31, 2019.

Motion to recommend Article Sixteen as written was made by George Cilley. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Seventeen:

Article Seventeen was tabled.

Article Eighteen:

To see if the Town will vote to correct the wording on the 2013 Warrant to lease a police cruiser and authorize the Selectmen to continue the current lease for the remaining three years and to raise and appropriate the sum of Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Dollars ($8,770.00) for the second year payment. This lease has a fiscal funding (escape clause).

Motion to recommend Article Eighteen as written was made by Jon Marden. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

Article Nineteen:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Two Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Dollars ($2,750.00) to support the Bradford Newbury Sutton Youth Sports.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to recommend Article Nineteen as written. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried unanimously. Budget Committee Recommends.

It was noted that Jon Marden and Sue McKevitt need to sign up to run for office this year.

The Budget Projection sheets that Dick Keller, Chair handed out at the last meeting be reviewed to discuss at the January 22nd meeting.

Budget Committee Public Hearings will be scheduled for;

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 7:00pm

With a continuation if needed on Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 time to be announced.

Next Budget Committee Meeting: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 6:30pm.

Meeting Adjourned 9:45pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
