Budget Committee Minutes 01.16.25

Present: Jen Richardson (Chair), Kim Firth (Vice Chair), Laurie Colburn, Justin Dohrn, Tim McKenna (arrived 6:41), Dawn Gezelman, Beth Downs (Select Board Representative), Marlene Freyler (Select Board), Chip Meany (Select Board).

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm

Review minutes from December 12, 2024 meeting

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the December 12, 2024 meeting minutes as written.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 6-0, all in favor

Highway Cost Analysis – leasing, renting, purchasing equipment:

Information regarding a “lease-to-own” option, and other options for purchasing and leasing of a truck and backhoe were presented. Pam Bruss gave an explanation of how the Capital Improvement Plan had been adjusted to accommodate late-year requests from the Highway Department. The sense of the Budget Committee was not to recommend purchase of a truck and backhoe. A decision was not reached. The Committee will wait for a Select Board decision.

Economic Development – update on funding request: This request was removed from the Economic Development budget line during the December 16, 2024 Budget Committee meeting and added to the Other Govt Buildings line. It was also reduced to $1.

Budget Survey Results: Kim Firth presented a power point showing information gathered from a survey administered by Kim for the Select Board. The purpose of the survey, available online during October and November 2024, was to encourage civic engagement, increase transparency, and hear from the community about budget priorities. There were 132 responses. Results can be found on bradfordnh.org, or in the Town Office during regular office hours.

Town Meeting Preparation: Kim led this discussion with suggestions from the 2024 presentation. The sense of the discussion was that each committee member would take responsibility for part of the presentation. Decisions about this will be made at the next meeting.

Vote on Operating Budget:

Executive Department, Account 4130

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $243,610 for account 4130, Executive.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Election, Registration & Vital Statistics, Account 4140

Discussion: The Committee decided to remove $400 from supply line for computer not needed at this time.

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the amount of $4,600 for account 4140. Election, Registration & Vital Statistics

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Financial Administration, Account 4150

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the amount of $105,368 for account 4150, Financial Administration

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Revaluation of Property, Account 4152

Motion: Tim McKenna moved to approve the amount of $47,500 for account 4152, Property Revaluation

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Legal, Account 4153

Motion Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $45,000 for account 4153, Legal

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Employee Benefits, Account 4155

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1.00 for account 4155, Employee Benefits

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Planning & Zoning, Account 4191

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the amount of $13,138 for account 4191, Planning & Zoning

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

General Government Buildings, Account 4194

No Vote: Adjust spreadsheet and vote at January 30th meeting. Lines adjusted by Select Board in their December 16, 2924 meeting: Handyman, Town Landscaping, Grant Writing

Cemetery, Account 4195

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $25,000 for account 4195, Cemetery

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Insurances, Account 4196

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $113,560 for account 4196, Insurances

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Other General Government, Account 4199

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $9,500 for account 4199, Other General Government

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Police Department, Account 4210

Motion: Justin Dohrn moved to approve the amount of $637,134 for account 4210, Police Department

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Fire Department, Account 4220

Motion: Tim McKenna moved to approve the amount of $159,000 for account 4220, Fire Department

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Rescue Squad, Account 4225

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $9,700 for account 4225, Rescue Squad

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Rescue – Contract Services, Account 4226

Motion: Dawn Gezelman moved to approve the amount of $80,000 for account 4226, Rescue-Contract Services

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Building Department – Code Enforcement, Account 4240

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $26,780 for account 4240, Building Department-Code Enforcement

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Emergency Management, Account 4290

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1.00 for account 4290, Emergency Management

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Highway Department, Account 4312

Discussion of Gravel Line Item.

Motion: Dawn Gezelman moved to approve the amount of $737,630 for account 4312, Highway Department

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Bridges, Account 4313

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1.00 for account 4313, Bridges

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Street Lighting, Account 4316

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the amount of $2,400 for account 4316, Street Lighting

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Solid Waste Collection, Account 4323

Motion: Beth Downs moved to approve the amount of $100,910 for account 4323, Solid Waste Collection

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Solid Waste Disposal, Account 4324

Motion: Dawn Gezelman moved to approve the amount of $31,100 for account 4324, Solid Waste Disposal

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Inoculations, Account 4415

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1.00 for account 4425, Inoculations

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Welfare, Account 4441

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the amount of $7,468 for account 4441, Welfare

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Welfare Payments, Account 4445

Motion: Kim Firth moved to approve the amount of $30,177 for account 4445, Welfare Payments

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Parks and Recreation, Account 4520

Reduced Select Board budget of 23,759 by $1,000

Motion: Dawn Gezelman moved to approve the amount of $22,759 for account 4520, Parks and Recreation

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 6 in favor, 1 not in favor

Library, Account 4550

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $95,479 for account 4550, Library

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 5 in favor, 2 not in favor

Patriotic Purposes, Account 4583

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $5,450 for account 4583, Patriotic Purposes

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Community Center, Account 4589

Motion: Justin Dohrn moved to approve the amount of $38,550 for account 4589, Community Center

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Other Conservation, Account 4619

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1,200 for account 4619, Other Conservation

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Economic Development, Account 4652

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1.00 for account 4652, Economic Development

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Long Term Notes, Account 4711

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $209,000 for account 4711, Long Term Notes

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Interest on TAN Notes, Account 4723

Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to approve the amount of $1,000 for account 4723, Interest on TAN notes

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Voting on Warrant Articles: Will be taken up at January 30th meeting.

Public Hearing: February 6, 2025, 7:00 PM. Second Public Hearing, if needed, February 13, 2025

The last date to submit a petitioned warrant article is February 4, 2025.


Motion: Justin Dohrn moved to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Dawn Gezelman

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary