Budget Committee Minutes 01.30.20


Budget Committee Draft Minutes

January 30, 2020

Members – Marlene Freyler (Chair), Mark Fournier (Vice Chair), Jason Allen (Select Board Rep), Claire James (arrived at 6:38pm), Justin Dohrn, Cheryl Croto, and Town Administrator Karen Hambleton were in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm.

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

  • The Committee voted on the total of the General Budget.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to approved $2,217,213.03.

Second: Mark Fournier

Decision: 5-0 in favor

  • The Committee reviewed whether they would recommend amended/new Warrant Articles:
    • Article Thirteen: Previously recommended, wording change, 5-0 in favor of recommending.
    • Article Fourteen: Previously recommended, wording change. Motion by Jason Allen to recommend, second Justin Dohrn, 5-0 in favor of recommending.
    • Article Sixteen: Previously recommended, wording change. Motion by Mark Fournier to recommend, second Marlene Freyler, 5-0 in favor of recommending.
    • Article Twenty-Four: Previously recommended, wording change. Motion by Claire James to recommend, second Mark Fournier, 6-0 in favor of recommending.
    • Article Twenty-Five: Motion by Jason Allen to recommend, second Justin Dohrn, vote 6-0 in favor of recommending.
    • Article Twenty-Seven: Marlene read a petition Warrant Article for $550,000, $337,000 being raised from the Fire Department Heavy Equipment Fund and $213,000 to be raised from taxation. Not vote was taken as to whether the Committee would recommend the Article.
  • Public Hearing opened at 6:45pm:
    • Marlene read the General Budget recommendations into record:
      • Mark Goldberg asked that the Fire Department budget be raised by $7,000 to conduct annual pump and hose testing as required by NFPA and ISO. The committee discussed where in the budget this would fall and it was determined that $2,200 would fall under vehicle maintenance and $4,800 under equipment maintenance. Mark explained that these inspections should be done every year. A question was raised as to whether the Fire Chief recommended this cost. Carl Goldberg stated the Chief did support the expense. Mark Goldberg was requesting the amount on behalf of the Fire Department stating the Fire Chief was unable to attend and expressing concern that Chief Dion’s contract had not been finalized and therefor he had not been paid.
      • The Budget Committee reviewed the overall total of all Warrant Articles as well as the total of $2,224,213.03 if the $7,000 were added. 2019 was $2.527m, Claire asked about the total tax revenue. Until the property revaluations, total appropriations and revenue are known the tax rate is not established, which will be set in October of 2020. The additional $7,000 would bring the total of the Warrant to a 5% increase year over year.
      • Chris Frey raised a concern that if the Petition Article passes the Town will exceed a 10% rule of the total appropriation amount which would freeze any additional appropriations from moving forward.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to close the Public Hearing at 7:10pm.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

  • The Budget Committee discussed whether or not to increase the Fire Department budget.

Motion: Jason motioned to move forward with the budget that was approved. There was no second.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to leave the increase requested to be voted on the floor at Town Meeting.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 5-1 in favor, Claire James abstained.

There was no additional public comment.

Receipt of Correspondence:

  • The Committee discussed filling the vacant Committee member position.

Motion: Claire James motioned to ask Jim Bibbo to fill the open vacancy.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn at 7:30pm.

Second: Mark Fournier

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Future Business:

  • The Budget Committee will continue the Public Hearing of the 2020 Budget on February 6th, 2020 at 6:30pm.
  • The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held February 20th, 2020 at 6:30pm.

Meeting minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary.