Budget Committee Minutes 07.16.20

Budget Committee Draft Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2020 6:30pm

Members – Laurie Colburn (Chair), Marlene Freyler (Select Board Rep), Justin Dohrn, Mark Fournier (Vice-Chair) via ZOOM, Tim Mckenna via ZOOM and Doug Southard via ZOOM at 7:04.

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator was present

The meeting was called to order at 6:32.

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business:

  1. Discuss filling the vacant Budget Committee Member seat

Chris Frey has expressed interest in filling the vacant position. Marlene will invite him to the August 20th meeting.

Receipt of Correspondence:

  1. Review minutes from the June 18, 2020 meeting

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to approve the minutes from June 18th.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

The Committee reviewed the 2nd Quarter Expense and Revenue reports. Various expense line items were discussed with Fire and Legal running a bit ahead. Revenue appears to be on track with the possible exception of Motor Vehicle Receipts.

Laurie will send out notes from previous budget years with comments regarding the activity budgeted within various operating lines.

Receipt of Information or Proposals:  

  1. Department Head partnering updates:
    1. Highway – Mark Fournier
    1. Police – Laurie Colburn Tim Mckenna
    1. Fire Department – Doug Southard
    1. Executive/Select Board – Mark Fournier Marlene Freyler
    1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Laurie Colburn
    1. Transfer Station – Justin Dohrn
    1. Library – Laurie Colburn
  2. Other business?


Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn at 7:32pm.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Future Business:

  1. The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2020.