Budget Committee Minutes 07.26.18

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting
July 26, 2018 Draft Meeting Minutes

David Nunnally called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
David Nunnally (Chair), Claire James, Jason Allen, Marlene Freyler, Mark Fournier, Cheryl Croto, Michael James (Select Board Representative)
Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator
Jason Allen and Cheryl Croto were officially sworn in as Budget Committee members.
Correspondence Updates:
Minutes from the June 21st meeting were reviewed by the Committee.
Motion: Claire James motioned to accept the minutes
Second: Michael James
Vote: 7-0 in favor
Old Business:
By-law revisions are being incorporated into a draft update, which is pending review and adoption. The Committee will review the revised By-laws at the next meeting.
Review of Budget & Expenditures:
The Committee reviewed 2018 expenditures through the end of June.
Items noted in the review were:
• Legal expenses, which are expected to exceed the budgeted dollar value.
• Discussion around how expenditures are coded; Primarily coded by Department Heads, Karen codes known expenditures and works with Department Heads on coding, payroll is hardcoded.
• The Fire Department gas budget is 92% expended; Karen will follow up to get more information.
• Questions were raised around Rescue Squad spending related to the support services provided by Henniker. Michael James is following up with Henniker to review the contract terms on billing and expenditures to provide more visibility into expenses throughout the year.
• The Highway Department budget for part time and overtime employees was discussed. Claire asked whether there would be opportunity to hire a part time resource to alleviate overtime. Will need to discuss with new Road Agent. It was noted that bridge repair was partially funded via a State grant. The Committee also asked for follow up detail on a Contract Services budget line to determine whether there would be benefit in breaking down the line into more detailed budget lines. Karen will follow up to provide the detail available.
• 53% of 2018 budget is remaining.
Receipt of Information or Proposal’s:
A follow up on activity with the Henniker Rescue Squad was tabled and will move to the next meeting agenda.
Future Business:
The next Budget Committee meeting will be held August 16th, 2018, at 6:oopm
Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn at 7:11pm
Second: Claire James
Vote: 7-0 in favor
The next Budget Committee meeting will be held at 6:00pm on August 16th, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.
Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn