Budget Committee Minutes 09.17.20

Members – Mark Fournier (Vice-Chair), Marlene Freyler (Select Board Rep), Justin Dohrn, Chris Frey and Doug Southard.

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator was present

Laurie Colburn (Chair) and Tim Mckenna were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 6:32.

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business:

Receipt of Correspondence:

  • Review minutes from the August 20, 2020 meeting

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to approve the minutes from August 20th.

Second: Mark Fournier

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

  • Review expenses from August.

The group reviewed the August expense report, noting lines that were ahead of budget and discussing the reason(s) for the overages. Legal continues to be most ahead of budget. Karen explained Account 4155 Employee Benefits. Chris Frey asked a question about next year’s New Hampshire Retirement percentage; Karen will research it. There was also discussion about 4199 Other General Govt and what is included in that line. It was noted that the Police Dept Equipment line was over due to an equipment purchase that will be reimbursed by a grant. The Fire Dept budget will be tight this year. Karen reviewed the expenses in the Fire Dept wages and contract services lines. Elevator, generator and stove issues earlier this year have pushed the two related lines in the Community Center budget over. Chris asked about the status of the exterior work on the Community Center. Karen said it had been completed as had most of the interior work as well. Overall, the Town’s operating budget has just over 34% left.

The Committee also briefly discussed Revenues. Karen noted that Vehicle Registration revenues are still down a little over $20,000. Building permit and inspection revenue is up about $4,000. Karen also noted that a revenue line had been added to COVID related grant money the town has and will receive.

Receipt of Information or Proposals:  

  • Karen to review terms of Henniker Rescue Services agreement with Committee

Karen went through the pertinent details and formulas of the Henniker Rescue Contract.

  • Department Head partnering updates:
    • Highway – Mark Fournier – Mark has not connected with Steve yet
    • Police – Tim Mckenna – no update
    • Fire Department – Doug Southard – has reached out to the new Chief
    • Executive/Select Board – Marlene Freyler
    • Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Laurie Colburn – no report
    • Transfer Station – Justin Dohrn – no new news
    • Library – Laurie Colburn – no report
  • Discuss budget timeline

The Committee sketched out the timeline for this year’s budget process.

  • Department Head budget submissions due to Town Administrator – Oct 23rd
    • Roll up due to Budget Committee – November 2nd
    • Budget Committee review schedule – November 5th and 19th
    • Friday, February 12th, last day to hold Public Hearing on the Budget
    • Wednesday, February 17th, last day to present budget to Selectmen for posting in the Warrant

The group discussed the end of budget season timing and agreed that the target date for holding the public hearing should be no later than February 4, 2021 so that the second hearing could be held February 11th. This gives us time for weather-related delays, etc.

Motion: Justin Dohrn motioned to adjourn at 7:36pm.

Second: Doug Southard

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Future Business:

  • The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2020. There will be no Budget Committee meeting in October.