Budget Committee Minutes 09.20.18

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting
September 20, 2018 Draft Meeting Minutes

David Nunnally called the meeting to order at 6:30pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
David Nunnally (Chair), Claire James, Marlene Freyler, Jason Allen, Michael James (Select Board Representative)
Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator
Mark Fournier, Cheryl Croto absent

Correspondence Updates:
1. Minutes from the August 16th meeting were reviewed by the Committee.
Motion: Claire James motioned to accept
Second: Jason Allen
Vote: 5-0 in favor
Old Business:
1. David asked that the Budget Committee by-laws be added to the display housing various Town Planning Board & Zoning documents. Laurie will allocate a spot and print copies for public availability.
2. The Committee discussed their request to get an update from the Henniker Rescue Squad on the balance due from Bradford. No information has been provided and the Committee requested Michael James initiate a communication between the Bradford Select Board and the Henniker Select Board to resolve this. Karen reviewed the contract terms with the Committee.
Motion: Claire James motioned to have the Budget Committee provided with a copy of the contract terms between Bradford and Henniker
Second: Michael James
Vote: 3-1-1, Jason Allen abstained, Marlene Freyler voted no – Motion did not pass.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to have Michael James request the Bradford Select Board ask the Henniker Select Board to assist in providing an updated estimate on the cost for services.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Vote: 5-0 in favor

Review of Budget & Expenditures:
1. Claire raised a question as to whether an additional account should be created for the Highway Budget’s General account used for tree service and sweeping. The committee decided that invoice detail is available to review the items and another account was not required at this time.
2. The Committee discussed an invoice for Equipment Rental utilized in the spring to process gravel. David felt he had been mislead during previous conversations regarding the cost of gravel processing locally. Michael agreed to review the invoice with the other Selectmen. Marlene suggested that the Select Board discuss having various Department Heads attend the Select Board meetings on a specific schedule as a standard means of conveying information that might not be widely know.
3. Michael shared some of his personal opinions on areas the Committee should look at after discussions he’s had with the Road Crew. Road repair practices and the use of salt were primary topics.
4. The Committee discussed expendable trusts versus capital reserves terminology as well as the ability to have lapsing and non-lapsing warrant articles, along with evaluating opportunities to leverage expendable trusts for current operating expenses. David also feels the Committee should do some research on areas that have shown increases in the audit report.
5. The Budget Committee also discussed roles and responsibilities of the Budget Committee, the Capital Improvement Plan Committee and the Select Board in the Budget process.
Motion: Claire James motioned to table discussion related to the CIP
Second: Jason Allen
Vote: 5-0 in favor
Receipt of Information or Proposals:
1. Karen updated the Committee that budget sheets had been sent to all Department Heads to identify their needs for 2019. The Select Board intends to have a draft available for the Budget Committee by November 2nd.
Future Business:
1. The next Budget Committee meeting will be held October 18th, 2018 at 6:30pm
Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn at 7:50pm
Second: Jason Allen
Vote: 5-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn