Budget Committee Minutes 09.07.10


Gary Wall, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm at the Community Center as the interior of the town hall is being painted. Present were: Beth Rodd, Dick Keller, George Cilley and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Chris Aiken was absent, being a new father today, and Don Jackson was absent.

Gary Wall, Chair discussed the upcoming Budget and Finance Workshop to be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 in Manchester and September 23, 2010 in Lincoln, NH. The cost is $40.00.

Due to lack of some information, it was decided to hold off on approving the August 9th minutes until the next meeting.

The following letter drafted by Beth Rodd to all department heads was read.

Dear Department Head:

The Town of Bradford’s Budget Committee is in the process of preparing an operating budget for 2011. In order to understand the needs of town departments, we will require information from you about your projected budget needs.

As a Department Head, we ask that you meet with us personally to discuss your needs for 2011. The Budget Committee is considering asking for an overall 5% decrease in town department spending to keep the tax burden on our citizens as low as possible. When we meet with you, please inform us of what impact an overall 5% reduction in spending would have on your department.

We will be scheduling individual meetings with you during the first two weeks of October. As you formulate your budgets, please keep all pertinent information in mind for a thorough review by the Budget Committee.

We will contact you in September to arrange a meeting with your department.

Thank you,

Bradford Budget Committee:

Gary Wall, Chair Chris Aiken, Richard Keller George Cilley, Don Jackson. Beth Rodd

Gary Wall, Chair________________________________________

Motion was made by George Cilley to accept the draft as a final letter, seconded by Dick Keller. Motion carried 4-0

Motion was made by Dick Keller to send the above letter to all department heads, seconded by George Cilley. Carried 4-0.

The Secretary will do the letter on Town Letterhead.

Gary Wall, Chair read several articles that have been in the news recently relating to reductions in town budgets in area towns.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 12, 2010 at 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley