Budget Committee Minutes 11.03.11

NOVEMBER 3, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00pm with Gary Wall, Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative, Don Jackson, Jon Marden, Beth Rodd and Cheryl Behr, Administrator present.

Review and Consideration of October 20, 2011 minutes:

Motion was made by Don Jackson to accept as presented. Seconded and Motion carried unanimously.

Review of Expense Account Reports of October 12, 2011 and October 20, 2011:

Account #4210 was discussed as listed under supplies and explained as employees being reimbursed at $60.00 a month for their personal cell phones by Cheryl Behr, Administrator. The Town does not have a plan for them for the cell phones.

4210-6005 was explained by Cheryl Behr, Administrator as being Ayer and Goss should show as $63.50.

4195-1207 may have wages belonging to 4195-1208 which is new this year per Cheryl Behr, regarding the Cemetery, concerning some lots that have perpetual care.

4191-1201 A special salary line has been set up for the Zoning Board of Adjustment for wages and an account number should show up as 4191-1200 number for $500.00 as well as Planning Board wages, and all corrected forms will show this, so the 4191-6200 will go away. Question was asked how many hours the secretary will have to be involved with for the town to which Cheryl Behr responded she was now doing 5 ½ hrs for the Board of Selectmen, 4 Hours twice a month for Planning for about 20 hours a month for Planning, and Board of Selectmen. In addition to that, she also does a little amount for Zoning, and Budget Committee. Previously, the Needs Committee, Safe Routes to School were also being done by the secretary, so now the approximate hours are about 20 hours.

4152-1200    has funds against it with a zero budget. Chris Frey works for the town as an employee on an hourly basis and generally his wages are transferred into the Contract Assessing at the end of the year, so is actually budgeted against the Assessing wages, usually done in December.

4194-3901 showing funds against a zero budget, and

4194-4300 has two entries for landscaping, and should show under 4310.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the primary increase in the Selectmen’s Budget this year will be adding approximately $2400.00 for part time wages. Last year it was cut to $6290.00 and this year they are requesting $8500.00. This year, there are 53 pay-periods in 52 weeks, plus, full time employees are budgeted for one extra week which they may cash in a week’s vacation if not used, thus there are 54 weeks for those people

4312-6909    Showing an expense for Valley for $18,000.00 and the question is, should the material be charged to this account or put on another expense, 4312-3901 (Contract Services) these are culvert repairs which have been submitted to FEMA.

Revenue Accounts were discussed and explained by Cheryl Behr. There is a limit on Revenue received by the Transfer Station, and anything over $15,000.00 goes back into the General Fund. Cheryl Behr also advised that any number over 4900 does not get budgets as they are all Capital Reserve Accounts. General Ledger Expenses accounts were left with the Budget Committee.

Dick Keller questioned the standing of the Long Term Notes and Cheryl advised there are 5 more years, payable in two half years, January and July, with the total being $31,880.00 for the entire year. The Department of Revenue Tax Calculations were handed out to the board by Cheryl Behr.

Question of where the money came from that was transferred into the Highway Dept. Cheryl explained that $6800.00 came from the Fire Dept. for the Fire Pond. The $20,000.00 is from Capital Reserve. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Selectmen voted last Tuesday night to transfer $12,000.00 from a line item that will not be used this year for Regional Solid Waste into the Highway Department.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator addressed the anonymous e-mails and letters that were written to the AG Office and read them to the board. (Letters on file). Cheryl advised she had been contacted by the Attorney General’s Office today. Jack Meaney advised the Ag’s Office is already checking into these letters. It was suggested that this actually has nothing to do with the Budget Committee.

Dick Keller, Chair thanked Cheryl Behr, Administrator for bringing the letters to the attention of the Budget Committee.

Employee benefits were discussed with time frame as well as different options regarding insurance.

Dick Keller, Chair advised he had discussed with the Selectmen, getting together with them next Thursday, November 10, 2011 at a Budget Committee Meeting. Cheryl Behr was again thanked by the Budget Committee for her input.

Capital Improvement Program Presentation by Marcia Keller, Chair Bradford Planning Board:

Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board presented a clean copy of this years CIP report prepared under the Chairmanship of Don Jackson, with Marlene Freyler, Dick Keller, Jon Marden, Bill Glennie, Phil LaMoreaux and Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative. Marcia advised the time line that was agreed to last spring worked well and most of the budgets were in in a timely manner and the CIP Committee did an admirable job of crunching 3.4 million dollars down to four hundred forty one thousand for next year. Marcia Keller advised it was the hope that the same or similar group will do the same work next year. Dick Keller advised the CIP works as a backbone bringing all the items forward and how the Capital Reserve can be set up. Marcia Keller reiterated that the CIP is a planning document. Don Jackson advised the CIP Committee had requested the Highway Department and Road Committee get in touch with them which did not happen, consequently there has not been defining and qualifying sections of roads. Jon Marden advised that some structure and reason why one is picked over the other and some way of establishing an understandable cost. The Road Committee is made up of Chris Aiken, Chair Dave Dunkin, Mark Keith, Tate Sweet Brown, both Dave Comarie’s, and Rob ?. It was asked of Jack Meaney if they are organized enough to speak with the Budget Committee regarding the Warrants. Don Jackson advised a form was given to the Road Committee, to list all the roads as well as conditions of them, to help them come up with some answers.

Election of Budget Committee Officers:

Dick Keller, Chair advised Gary Wall had turned the Chair over to him at the last meeting and at this time needs to be done formally.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to nominate Dick Keller as Chair of the Budget Committee. Motion made by Jon Marden to close nominations, seconded and carried. Dick Keller advised he is willing to take the Chairmanship and he also advised he will be available through Town Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Don Jackson to nominate Jon Marden as Vice Chair of the Budget Committee. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion made by Beth Rodd to close nominations. Motion carried. Motion carried unanimously.

Municipal Budget Law – Review of RSA-Chapter 32:

Dick Keller, Chair brought up the question about the Budget Committee’s budget that is on the Warrant or is the Selectmen’s budget as well? Dick read from the Municipal Budget Law 32:5 IV that “Budget forms for the annual meeting shall include, in the section showing recommended appropriations, comparative columns indicating at least the following information:

(a)    Appropriations voted by the previous annual meeting.

(b)   Actual expenditures made pursuant to those appropriations, or in those towns and districts which hold annual meetings prior to the close of the current fiscal year, actual expenditures for the most recently completed fiscal year.

(c)    All appropriations, including appropriations contained in special warrant articles, recommended by the governing body.

(d)   If there is a budget committee, all the appropriations, including appropriations contained in special warrant articles, recommended by the budget committee.

Dick Keller commented that it appears to him that both of the budgets should be listed on the Warrant. Discussion ensued including the thought that there should be three columns on the same page, one of which is the appropriations voted by the previous annual meeting.

Any other matter in line for discussion:

Dick Keller, Chair suggested the bottom line of the budget creates the tax rate for the town, and it is the consensus there seems to be a lot of complaints.

Dick Keller, Chair handed out an updated proposal to the board, requested they look at it and questions they may have. Considerable conservation ensued.

One question from Gary Wall is what happens to the $106,000 from the Rescue Squad that has not been used, does that go back into the General Fund to which Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative replied yes. This could not be used this year, however, it could be used next year to offset next year’s tax rate. It was noted that wages, including all benefits for town employees is estimated at around $900,000.00 which is about 45% of the total budget.

Public Input and Comments:

No public comments at this time.

Next Meeting Schedule:

There was discussion about time and place to meet with the Selectmen.

Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted

From tape.

Marjorie R. Cilley
