Budget Committee Minutes 12.05.19

Budget Committee Draft Minutes

December 5th, 2019

Members – Marlene Freyler (Chair), Mark Fournier (Vice Chair), Claire James, Justin Dohrn, Cheryl Croto, Courtney Schusler and Town Administrator Karen Hambleton were in attendance.

Jason Allen (Select Board Rep) arrived at 8:50pm.

Selectman Michael James was present.

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 6:36pm.

Receipt of Correspondence:

  • The Committee reviewed the minutes from the November 21st, 2019 meeting.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

  • Librarian Ellen Barselle and Annette Leonas, Library Treasurer, appeared to present the 2020 budget request for the Brown Memorial Library:
    • The total budget requested is $77,800, of which, $73,300 is funding is requested from the 2020 General Budget appropriation with the balance funded from Library reserve funds, revenue from book sales and donations.
    • The 2020 budget request includes $3,000 to deploy Apollo Biblionix ILS which will digitize the card catalogue system, providing the ability to electronically search, renew and reserve books reducing paper usage. Ongoing expenses once the solution is deployed were estimated to be $1,200 to $1,500 annually.
    • The Committee discussed whether the Library felt there were any spending risks in areas of the budget that called for a lower amount than had been spent in recent years such as books, computers & technical expense, furnishing and fixtures as well as programs. No spending risks were identified, however a roof leak was mentioned and repair solution is being researched.
  • Lois Kilnapp, Transfer Station Manager, appeared to discuss the Transfer Station’s 2020 budget request:
    • Solid Waste Collection lines for Telephone, increasing from $475 (2019 budget) to $1,000 due to the addition of internet service
    • Supplies, increasing from $350 (2019 budget) to $400 and the addition of $650 for staining, to help preserve the Transfer Station building, were discussed.
    • Claire asked about disposal costs for plastics. Lois noted plastics are a revenue item, not an expense and commented that revenue is decreasing for recycled items.
    • Court Schusler suggested the Select Board discuss Solid Waste Disposal costs with Naughton & Sons to negotiate better rates. John Pfeifle is reviewing contract rate with Naughton & Sons.
  • Steve Hall, the Town Road Agent, appeared to review the 2020 budget request for the Highway Department:
    • The Committee reviewed employee related expenses and resources with Steve.
    • Claire questioned why Telephone expenses are higher than at the Transfer Station. The Highway Department budget includes an alarm system which is not present at the Transfer Station.
    • An increase in Contract Services – General ($10,000 budget) was discussed which will pay to rent a sweeper, pump out catch basins (a bi-annual expense) and to rent mowers.
    • Michael asked whether Contract Services – Blasting ($1,500 budget) was effective in 2019. Steve stated that he did feel the blasting helped, particularly in conjunction with using the rented hammer equipment to break up the rocks.
    • Steve requested an increase in Repair & Maintenance – Equipment to $60,000, versus the $47,000 budgeted in 2019, to maintain aging equipment. Additional detail was requested outlining specifics around spending in 2019.
    • Michael questioned spending in a Repairs & Maintenance – Bridge Repair line ($2,500 budget). He would like to see all bridge work done from the capital reserve account. Steve outlined the General Budget line as routine maintenance work such as washing and sealing concrete on Town bridges.
    • The Committee questioned Supplies – Chains & Blades ($3,500 budget) which is increasing by $1,000. A previous Road Agent had made a large purchase of chains and blades previously and that inventory has been depleted so new purchases will be needed in 2020.
    • The Winter Salt & Spring Repairs ($25,000 budget) line noted as a $5,000 increase year over year. This is predominantly for road salt and is based upon usage.
    • Supplies-Road Signs ($2,500 budget) submitted to begin year one of a two-year program to upgrade existing road signs with reflective signs as required by the State. This is for existing road signs only.
    • The Committee questioned what had been completed in 2019 under Supplies – Culverts ($3,500 budget). 5-6 locations were replaced/repaired including locations on Dunfield Road, Deer Valley Road and Johnson Hill Road.
    • Supplies – Gravel ($40,000 budget) is increasing by $15,000 from the 2019 budget amount. This is driven by a lack of local supply and consumption of material that was on hand. 1,500 tons were purchased in 2019, totaling approximately $21,000. An estimated 3,000 tons are needed annually for a budgeted cost of $40,000.
    • The purpose of the Supplies – Road Patch line ($15,000 budget) was discussed. This line is used for pothole repair and small sections of road paving. This line does not include “shimming” which is part of the Capital Improvement Program. Michael questioned the value of doing any small paving jobs, expressing concern that the spending would not provide any type of permanent fix. Laurie Colburn disagreed, stating that the minor road repair work allows the plow trucks a better ability to keep snow and slush cleaned up which provides taxpayers with safer road conditions.
    • There was a discussion regarding Dust Control ($2,500 budget). Steve felt there was significant improvement on West Meadow and East Washington Roads where this was used, along with adding gravel, resulting in the roads holding better and reduced maintenance demands.
    • The Committee discussed whether account 4312-6300 should be renamed from Maintenance & Repairs/Inspections to just Inspections. Karen will review.
    • Equipment Fuel ($28,000 budget) is budgeted $2,000 lower than in 2019 as a result of lower fuel prices.
    • Although budgeted at $0 (Mileage), Claire would like to find out if it is mandatory to reimburse employees for driving to attend training.
    • Repairs, Main-Bdlgs ($3,500 budget) is an increase of $1,000 over the 2019 budget. Budgeted to repair lighting issues and a garage door opener.
  • Claire presented the Committee with an overview of the CIP (Capital Improvement Program):
    • In 2019 the CIP recommendation was forecasted to have a $2.33 impact on the tax rate. The 2020 recommendation would result in a $2.62 impact which would be the highest impact over the next ten years, decreasing to $2.33 in 2030.
    • Replacement of the 1994 pumper truck was discussed in detail. Courtney questioned what would happen with the old truck once it is replaced as well as whether fines could be applicable if the existing truck does not meeting current standards. Michael stated that options were still being explored, as this is not the primary pumper truck. He did not believe there were any fines that would be incurred rather that it is safety issues that are driving the expense. It was noted that $333,000, against the project $550,000 replacement cost, has been saved already.
    • Michael recommended that a $19,000 CIP project to repair the driveway at the Fire Station be rolled in with the Road & Bridges savings fund so the expenditure is not so narrowly defined. Cheryl disagreed stating she would rather keep it as a separate, specific project.
    • The Committee discussed the Main Street Improvement project, focused on repairing the sidewalks on West Main Street. Claire reviewed the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP Grant) with which the Town may be able to obtain up to 80% in grant funding to help support the cost of the project. Claire felt it would be important for the Town to have the matching funds towards the initiative already saved when being considered as a grant applicant. Courtney expressed concern that this felt like an aesthetic project being prioritized over other critical need projects. Other members outlined concerns that the existing condition of the sidewalks are very poor, presenting a walking hazard and need to be addressed.
    • A sum of $100,000 is proposed in the CIP for the Town Hall renovations. Cheryl would like to see what is still available from any funding set aside already and what projects will be done with the additional savings. Michael and Karen recapped the information shared at the Select Board meeting.
  • The Committee reviewed the schedule for the December 19th, 2019, meeting:
    • Community Action Program – 6:30pm to 6:45pm
    • Town Clerk/Tax Collector – 6:45pm to 7:00pm
    • Police Department – 7:00pm to 7:30pm
    • Fire & Rescue Departments – 7:30pm to 8:15pm

Receipt of Information or Proposals:  

Motion: Justin Dohrn motioned to adjourn at 9:05pm.

Second: Mark Fournier

Decision: 7-0 in favor

Future Business:

  • The next Budget meeting will be held December 19th, 2019.
  • Friday February 14th, 2020 – Last date to hold Public Hearing on annual budget (must be noticed 7 days in advance) Target for early February.

Meeting minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary.