Budget Committee Minutes 12.18.13



DECEBER 18, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with George Cilley, Don Jackson, Sue McKevitt, John Pfeifle, Selectmen Representative, Will Hurley, Cheryl Behr, Administrator present, Jon Marden and Marge Cilley, Secretary were absent.

Review and Consideration of December 11, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the December 11, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Don Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.

Interview with Highway Department: #4312

The 2014 Proposed Road Work was handed out and discussed with the total for a Road Bond listed as $323,000.00 which would include:

Howlett Road   $15,000.00 Repairing the section abutting Route 114

Marshall Hill road         80,000.00 Overlay

Hogg Hill road  50,000.00 Overlay

Massasecum Lake Road           48,000.00 Overlay

Sunset Hill Road            40,000.00 Overlay

Fairgrounds Road         48,000.00 Overlay

Oakdale Road 42,000.00 Overlay

If the Bond does not materialize, then the apron on Howlett Road will be torn up and repaved, Sunset Hill Road and Fairgrounds Road will need to be top coated for $40,000 and $48,000 respectively. Much discussion ensued with different scenarios.

Cheryl was asked to check on, if a Bond Article can be amended on the floor of Town Meeting by taking the Bond away and reducing the amount without a Bond. George Cilley stated that in case a bond fails, another Warrant Article would need to be written as a follow up.

John Pfeifle advised the Selectmen will be finalizing and approving their budgets on Monday, December 30, 2013.

The Fire Department has indicated the intention to resurface the driveway to the firehouse, but at this time has not beendiscussed with the Highway Dept.

Also handed out were copies provided by Barry Wheeler, Road Agent for a Ford F550 Chassis and Diesel including Specs. The Municipal/State Pricing is quoted at $40,991.00 with additional add- ons listed at $29,965.00.

Discussion ensued concerning wage increase commencing the first of the year this year and insurance participation. Beginning next year, any pay increases will begin the first of April, after Town Meeting in 2015.

Barry was thanked for coming in this evening as well as being thanked for the work that is being done and the way he is handling it.

Interview with the Police Dept. #4210

Members of the Police Department, Steve Valiquet, Ed Shaughnessy and Neil Flannigan were present and reiterated what has been discussed in previous meetings with the Budget Committee. Discussion regarding budgeting for the 4th of July and Town

Meeting as well as for any construction details in town that may arise were explained by Ed Shaughnessy. The question of water purchasing was brought up and explained. The vehicle (SOU) that has been housed at the town sheds is now going to be gone as Concord has a new one, but Bradford is still in the group. Ed also allowed that he is trained through the program and comes back and teaches the force here in town as well as training to other towns, on his own time. Other topics discussed were overtime and Health Insurance.

Neil Flannigan, the new full time policeman, was introduced to the Budget Committee.

Solar Highway Sign was brought up again as a traffic control sign. It was stated that it has been on #103 for speed tracking as well as other places in town. Dick Keller, Chair questioned the Grant for the Safety Sign was $6,000 and the $9,000 was to come from taxes. The asset report shows that the total amount was $15,900, over spending the Warrant Article by $900.00, which came from the Police Department budget per Detective Ed Shaughnessy.

John Pfeifle mentioned that on Channel 9 at 6:45 Friday AM there was going to be a mention of the BradfordBridge contest, showing the old bridge as it used to be.

Community Center #4589

Discussion regarding what the Community Center is in need of over the next four years which includes:

Windows, Roof, Paving of Parking Lot and Heat.

John Pfeifle reiterated that the Town Hall Restoration Project is seeking out information regarding pellet furnace which might work with other town buildings.

Interview with the Emergency Management (Civil Defense) #4290

Bruce Edwards attended the Budget Committee meeting to discuss the Emergency Management budget. This year, he is asking $5,000.00 and it was pointed out by John Pfeifle, Selectmen Representative indicating the Selectmen have cut Civil Defense in half, to $2500.00. Bruce advised every five years contribution to a State Local Emergency Operation Program (LEOP) have to be made. Much discussion ensued.

Bruce was thanked for coming in this evening.

Other business to come before the Board:

Sue McKevitt questioned the Planning & Zoning $4191-3901, Circuit Rider amount being dropped from the Board request of $1,000 to $100.00 by the Selectmen. It was explained that it had not been used last year very much, so why have the money there. George Cilley pointed out, that a bill had been sent from CNHRPC in June, but was not paid, for whatever reason, and is now due for over $250.00.

Sue McKevitt questioned General Govt Buildings #4194-3901 Contract Services increased to $14,020. Cheryl Behr advised part of this is for Andrew Pinard who has volunteered to put information on line, and now wants to be compensated for it.

Also questioned was line #4110 Heat/Oil, a decrease. The town hall has not been heated, but now is this year. John Pfeifle advised they are hoping the Highway Dept. is checking on soliciting more waste oil and are trying to modify the increase in usage and cost.

#4323 Solid Waste Collection, Line #4303 Repairs and Maintenance – question was why was this line brought to zero, with a question mark beside it. Cheryl Behr advised it was requested by Lois Kilnap, Transfer Manager as there is a special revenue fund for the transfer station allowing them to use 30% of the revenue that they take in for projects and recycling. John Pfeifle, Selectmen Representative stated they are doing a good job at the Transfer Station.

Will Hurley questioned the Police Department Budget #4210-Part time
wages #1200 with the total budget at $462,626.11. Detective Ed Shaughnessy handed out a breakdown for full time and part time employees etc.

Next Budget Committee Meeting is scheduled for:


There being no public input, the meeting adjourned 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted from tape.

Marjorie R. Cilley
