Budget Committee Minutes 12.20.18

Town of Bradford

Budget Committee Meeting

December 20, 2018 Draft Meeting Minutes

Marlene Freyler called the meeting to order at 6:35pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call

Marlene Freyler Vice Chair, Claire James, Jason Allen, Mark Fournier, Cheryl Croto, Michael James (Select Board Representative), Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator (departed at 8:30pm)

David Nunnally absent

Correspondence Updates:

  1. The Committee reviewed the budget season schedule per New Hampshire RSA’s and deliverable dates for the Budget Committee. Marlene asked Committee members to be prepared to meet weekly beginning January 3rd.

Old Business:

  1. All pending follow up items were deferred to allow the Budget Committee time to review the draft Operating Budget.

Review of Budget & Expenditures:

  1. The Committee reviewed the Department requested 2019 Operating Budget complied as of December 18th, 2018. The Budget was reviewed on a line by line basis with the Committee noting areas for follow up as well as initial revisions to dollar amounts that were requested.

The Committee plans to review follow up items with Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, at the next meeting. They will schedule a review with the Selectmen and Department Heads during that next meeting.

Receipt of Information or Proposals:

  1. Minutes from the October 18th meeting were reviewed by the Committee.

Motion: Michael James motioned to accept

Second: Jason Allen

Vote: 6-0 in favor

  1. The Committee will review the Capital Improvement Plan at the next meeting.
  2. The Committee discussed an email received announcing the immediate resignation of David Nunnally as Chair. David will continue to serve as a member of the Committee through the end of his term. A new Chair and Vice Chair were elected.

Motion: Claire James motioned to elect Marlene Freyler as Chair and Jason Allen as Vice Chair

Second: Mark Fournier

Vote: 6-0 in favor 

Future Business:

  1. The next Budget Committee meeting will be held January 3rd at 6:30pm and will continue to be held weekly through the budget process.

Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn at 11:22pm

Second: Michael James

Vote: 6-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn