Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Mel Pfeifle; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator
Members Absent: Caleb Connor
The meeting was called to order at 7:01.
Pam gave a brief review of the 2022 CIP plan. Everyone in attendance was familiar with the plan and an in-depth explanation was not necessary.
The group discussed potential individuals who might be willing join the Committee to help with the CIP process and discussions. Two individuals will be contacted.
Karen had updated the dates on the CIP request forms and asked for feedback as to the format of the forms. No changes were made. She will send the forms out to Department Heads, the Library, the Energy Committee and any others who may have a project to submit.
The group discussed the Town’s valuation, expenses and other factors that impact the tax rate. The Committee’s goal is to keep the tax rate as level as possible.
The following meeting timeline was agreed upon for the Committee’s work going forward.
August 5 CIP Request Forms due to Town Administrator
August 17 Dept Heads Attend CIP Meeting to review their requests
September 14
September 28
October 12 if needed
November 22 Public Hearing in the Planning Board Meeting
Motion to adjourn: Pam Bruss
Second: Karen Hambleton
All members – aye
Meeting adjourned at 7:34
Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton.