Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Mel Pfeifle; Caleb Connor; Justin Dohrn; Claire James (via ZOOM); Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator
Members Absent: Tim McKenna
Also present: Steve Hall, Road Agent; Brian Nowell, Fire Chief
The meeting was called to order at 7:01
Review and consideration of the August 17, 2022 minutes
Motion to accept: Pam Bruss
Second: Mel Pfeifle
All Ayes
Pam regarding adjusting the CIP spreadsheet: Pam entered all of the previous requests by the departments and looked at the net tax impacts with these requests included.
The group discussed the Town Hall bond payment.
Mel discussed the increases in many items in the operating budget and how it relates to the CIP.
Steve Hall, Road Agent, discussed the paving costs and where we are in the paving plan created last year in conjunction with Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission. For the next meeting Steve will update the road plan.
The group went through each category in the CIP and discussed the importance of prioritizing due to increased costs in fuel as well as other areas where costs have increased.
Karen read into record the Police Departments requests for upcoming equipment needs.
Steve discussed upcoming equipment replacement and the reasoning on the timing of those replacements.
Brian Nowell, Fire Chief, presented his priorities for the Fire Department for the next 3 years. One of those priorities was the weatherization of the Fire Department building.
Mel suggested contracting NHSaves to see where we can most efficiently spend money on energy efficiency tasks.
The group decided that we need more information on the weatherization of all town buildings and the associated costs and time of payback.
Motion to adjourn: Justin Dohrn
Second: Pam Bruss
All Ayes
Meeting adjourned at 9:17
Next meeting will be September 28, 2022 at 7 PM