Present: Marlene Freyler, Jarna Perkins, Katrina Taylor
Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m.
- Marlene provided copies of financial summary report and journal for March 2021. Also provided clean copy of cemetery town map with GPS coordinates.
- Jarna provided USB drive received from former trustee; Katrina will review to see if contains updated database information we are seeking.
- Fritz has already commenced some work at Sunny Plain and will provide monthly work reports to the trustees.
- Rules & Regulations
- Completed revisions of new rules and regulations. Once typed/approved, we will schedule public hearing.
- Discussion and agreement on new document to be created to be provided at time of deed sale. New document will outline legal rights and responsibilities of buyer/lot owner.
- Discussed purchasing yard signs with rules and regulations at each entrance, primarily for active cemeteries (Sunny Plain, Union, New Pond). This can be discussed further at public hearing as well.
- Warrant article $500 for gravestone repair to be voted on Saturday. Marlene will contact Harry to inquire about funds in 2002 Gravestone Repair trust.
- Topics for future meetings: plans for fencing/gates, gravestone repair, cornerstones and plotting.
- Next meeting TBD; depending on date of public hearing.
Meeting adjourned, 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Katrina Taylor