Cemetery Maintenance RFP

Town of Bradford

Request for Proposals

2021 Cemetery Maintenance

The Town of Bradford is requesting proposals for the maintenance and care of 17 cemeteries in the Town. The work is defined as follows:

  1. All cemeteries will be mowed, stone walls and grave markers will be trimmed and all roads and parking areas will be raked as early in the spring as possible and before the following dates: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Veterans Day.

  2. All active cemeteries (Sunny Plain, Union, New Pond) will be kept mowed every 10-14 days between April 15th and November 15th. All remaining cemeteries will be mowed at least once a month.

  3. Trim shrubbery, cut brush, remove dead branches, rake, and clean all debris throughout cemeteries and around perimeters. Responsible for placing barriers in gate openings for winter and removal in early spring. Arrange for water to be turned on in spring, off in fall (Sunny Plain).

  4. Sunken graves will be brought to grade and seeded as necessary. Contractor is responsible for reporting any issues with land or monuments to Trustees.

  5. Any additional assignments over and above the contract price will be billed at a mutually agreed upon rate.

  6. Contractor agrees to provide a prompt and detailed work report with description of work completed, location, units of time worked, and number of workers. The work report shall be submitted at the end of each month.

  7. Contractor must provide proof of Liability Insurance Coverage prior to the first month of the contract year.

  8. The term of this contract will be for one (1) season, April 15– November 15, 2021.

Proposals should be delivered to the Bradford Selectmen’s Office by 4 pm Tuesday, December 29th, 2020. The Board of Selectmen will review and forward to the Cemetery Trustees for decision.

The Board and/or the Cemetery Trustees reserve the right to refuse any and all proposals.

Town of Bradford


Name & # Of Lots                                                                       GPS Coordinates

Sunny Plain                                   (308)                                        N 43.1603 W 71.5603

Union                                            (82)                                          N 43.2686 W 71.9257

New Pond                                     (137)                                        N 43.2334 W 71.9016

Old Pond                                       (39)                                          N 43.2302 W 71.8944

Pleasant Hill                                  (189)                                        N 43.2685 W 71.9656

Baptist Church                              (98)                                          N 43.2700 W 71.9597

Old Burial Ground                        (97)                                          N 43.2369 W 71.9698

Presbury                                        (94)                                          N 43.2417 W 71.9685

Durrel                                            (6)                                            N 43.2352 W 72.0025

Eaton                                             (11)                                          N 43.2394 W 71.9809

Bagley/Hadley                              (6)                                            N 43.2521 W 71.9672

Dr. Ames                                       (1)                                            N 43.2682 W 71.9597

Burial Hill                                     (52)                                          N 43.2621 W 71.9552

Marshall                                        (15)                                          N 43.2561 W 71.9370

Howlett                                         (19)                                          N 43.2415 W 71.9390

Cummings Pierce                          (11)                                          N 43.2523 W 71.9153

Colby                                            (8)                                            N 43.2151 W 71.8959

Offin French                                 (1)                                            N 43.2358 W 71.9550

Smith                                             (?)                                            N 43.2419 W 72.0135