Cemetery Minutes, July 14,2016
Members present: Trustees : J M Lucas , Carey Rodd , Diane Whalley. Also present was Jim Lord , Custodian.
The June minutes were read and approved by J M Lucas ,C. Rodd and D. Whalley.
Old Business:
The trees at Unity and Marshall have been taken down and cleaned up. Crane availability is holding up the removal of the trees at New Pond and Baptist Church.
The access to Baptist Cemetery has been changed to taking down 2 small tree so the crane can access the large tree that fell into the cemetery. To save some money the designated tree on the original bid will be left for another year .
Cornerstone Cemetery Services will be visiting some of the cemeteries which have damaged stones to give an estimate of prioritized repairs. The trustees discussed a new service for straightening up to 20 for $700 .This may be considered for the Old Burial Ground Cemetery at Bradford Center.
Discussion was held regarding the grounds at Sunny Plans. There are many bare spots that need to be reseeded. The main concern was the cost of taking on the whole cemetery. It was decided to possibly do sections at a time.
In discussing measuring out cremation lots, it was determined that a price would need to be determined as there are 3 burials as opposed to two for a single lot
Diane presented a plan from the town of Alton for the distribution of the fire wood from the logged cemetery trees .This plan avoids liability to a town by having the town deliver to the resident. The trustees were mostly interested in seeing that the most needy receive the wood.
New Business:
Three deeds and one sale form were signed to be returned to the town clerk.
A veteran plaque was reported stolen from Sunny Plain Cemetery. The police were notified and are in charge of the case. In probing for the plaque ,a cement marker was found for a documented burial in 1967.
Art Reynolds was recognized for his initiative in cleaning up the wood chips at Union.
The tree at the right corner of Sunny Plain has been determined to belong to the abutters property per Perry Teele.
Draft until approved