CIP Committee Minutes 10.11.17



Attendees:  Jim Bibbo, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Claire James

Absent: Michael James, Marlene Freyler

Note: Karen Hambleton left early due to previous obligation

Meeting was brought to order at 6:00pm.


CIP project requests for each department were reviewed by the committee to see if there were any outstanding questions about any of the requests.

Claire compiled a list of questions for the police department, fire department and highway department to be followed up on as per the below:

  • Jason will follow up with the highway department
  • Claire will follow up with the police and fire departments

There was discussion regarding the highway department and setting aside a fixed amount each year for road repair.  110K was a figure that was suggested.  Jason pointed out that the vehicles/equipment used by the highway department are essentially liabilities, as opposed to assets, and should be treated as such.  (i.e.- they should be used until they need to be repaired or replaced – not replaced prematurely).  He cited Lois Kilnapp’s management of the transfer station’s trash compactor to be a good model of management.  To wit, she has the funds to replace it, but is waiting until it fails to do so.

There was also discussion regarding the cost of the requested fire pumper (475K) and how to best approach the financing for this.

The library has not submitted their projects to date.  Karen asked if a “guesstimate” for these projects would suffice, and also whether or not they might even exceed 10K (making them eligible/ineligible for CIP inclusion).  Claire will follow up on this.

Next steps after following up with departments regarding individual questions would be to include a tax impact analysis in the spreadsheet, similar to the one provided by NHCRPC.  (NH Central Regional Planning Commission).  Claire will be responsible for creating this.

Following this, and after follow up on specific questions for various departments, a public hearing will be held on a date TBD, to formally adopt this year’s CIP plan.

Meeting adjourned approximately 8:20 pm.