CIP Meeting Minutes 07.10.19

Members Present: Marlene Freyler (arrived at 12:12pm), Carol Troy, Jason Allen, Justin Dohrn, Claire James, Karen Hambleton

Members Absent: Caleb Connor

Meeting opened at 12:09pm.

Review and Approval of 6.26.19 Meeting Minutes

Jason Allen motioned to approve the 6.26.19 meeting minutes. Carol Troy seconded. Motion carried: 5-0

New Member CIP Packet Distribution

Claire distributed copies and reviewed key highlights of a NH Municipal Association article, which contained information about capital improvement plans, not just to new, but to all members of the committee. The article provided a good overview of the CIP process, its function and importance. Claire will email Caleb a link to this article as he was not present at the meeting.

Review of CIP Application Draft and “Other Expenses” Document

The committee members reviewed the new CIP draft application and Non-CIP/Other expenses draft document, prepared by Jason. There were three suggested edits, including adding “Town of” to the Header line as well as the addition of the Town seal to the documents. A recommended wording change for the first line item of Section 2 was also discussed. Karen offered to make the suggested edits to the documents and will distribute the final versions. The committee members were unanimous in the view that the simplified documents would encourage greater participation in the process amongst department heads.

Proposal for Departmental Interviews Schedule

The committee members discussed the CIP process, including involvement of the Select Board members as liaisons for each of the respective departments under their direct purview. Jason stated that he has already advised the Select Board that the CIP process is underway. Claire confirmed that she will be appearing at the Select Board meeting on 7.15.19 to speak with the board members about the process and timeline for the coming CIP year. Jason advised that using information from last year’s CIP document to provide the Selectmen with a departmental recap spreadsheet for past requested projects would be helpful. He also suggested that the Selectmen be given copies of both the new CIP application and Other Expenses document for distribution to their respective departments, once the final edits have been made.

The committee established a timeline as follows, for the CIP form submissions and interview schedules:

August 12th – Departmental due date for CIP applications and/or expenses forms

August 14th – CIP Committee to review all forms submitted

September 4th – Target interview date for Police, Fire and Transfer Station departments

September 11th – Target interview date for Highway and Executive departments, and the Library


A motion was made by Marlene to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Justin Dohrn. Motion carried 6-0. Meeting was adjourned at 12:55pm.

Next meeting date will be August 14, 2019, at 12:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Claire James.