CIP Meeting Minutes 08.14.19

Members Present: Marlene Freyler (arrived approx. 12:15), Carol Troy, Jason Allen, Claire James, Karen Hambleton, Caleb Connor

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn

Meeting opened at 12:11pm.

Review and Approval of 7.10.19 Meeting Minutes

Jason Allen motioned to approve the 7.10.19 meeting minutes. Carol Troy seconded. Motion carried: 5-0

Review of New CIP Projects and Other Expenses Submitted by Departments

The committee members reviewed new CIP projects submitted by departments, as follows:

  • Police
    • No new projects submitted.
    • 5K will be tentatively added to the Communications Equipment fund, depending on the costs of other departmental projects.
  • Fire
    • No new projects submitted.
    • Claire suggested not putting the full 166K (the remainder of the balance needed to purchase a new fire truck) into the heavy equipment fund this year, as there is still no new Fire Chief in place and gathering the specs for a new truck can take up to a year. This would place a new truck purchase at least one year out from 2020, most likely. Therefore a partial, as opposed to full contribution was suggested for this line item, for the year 2020. Karen suggested 90K. Jason suggested 60K. This is an open issue at the moment. Jason questioned the Masonic Hall and any future plans for the building, as well as the fire station driveway paving and whether it still makes sense to plan for this in 2020.
  • Highway
    • Jason provided the committee members with a list of roads and equipment replacement requested by the highway dept. over the course of the next 10 years. The requests for 2020 are as follows:
      • Road Repair
        • Marshall Hill Rd. – 150K
        • Breezy Hill Rd. – 250K
        • Oakdale Rd. – 130K
        • Bacon Rd. – 40K
        • Water St. – 35K
        • Rowe Mtn Rd. – 15K (for crack, seal and oil)

                                    Subtotal – 630K

  • General Paving – 50K

                                    Subtotal – 50K

  •  Equipment
    • Chipper – 48K

                                    Subtotal – 48K

  • Building
    • Generator Hook up – 8K
    • Lighting upgrade – 12K
    • New Sand Shed – 85K

                                    Subtotal – 105K

  • Bridges & Culverts
    • West Meadow Rd. – 60K
    • Johnson Hill Rd. – 75K
    • Gillingham Drive (culverts) – 40K

                                    Subtotal – 175K

  • Miscellaneous
    • Road Signs & Posts – 6K
    • Guard Rails – 15K
    • Delineator Posts – 2.5K
    • Culverts – 3K

                                    Subtotal- 26.5K

GRAND TOTAL – $1,034,500

  • Jason questioned the chipper replacement proposal, stating that he would rather try to repair this item than replace it. He also questioned the proposal for a grader replacement (scheduled for 2021) and whether it was needed or not.
    • Claire had a number of questions, including: Why are the six roads slated for 2020 repair the most important roads to be worked on, as opposed to any number of other roads in town? What is the Roads Committee’s feedback on this list of proposed roads to be repaired? Where is the hard data to support the current prioritization of proposed road repairs?
    • Caleb asked how the estimates for the road repairs were derived/obtained.
    • Carol asked about the road signs and discussion ensued about why the former wooden road signs were replaced with metal signs. She also commented that the current road signs were faded. There was a question as to what exactly the 6K proposed for road signs would cover, namely whether or not it would replace all of the town’s road signs. This needs to be confirmed.
    • Claire talked about the importance of raising the 50K match needed for the TAP grant, and that Mike Tardiff, Director of Central NH Regional Planning Commission, advised that our chances for being awarded this would be increased by already having raised at least enough funds to cover the required match. Karen advised that carrying the sidewalk as far as possible helps too, per Mike Croteau, an engineer who worked on the East Main St. sidewalks project.
    • The committee members agreed that the Roads Committee should meet before departmental interviews take place, to review and provide feedback on all of the proposed expenditures.
    • Maureen will put together a spreadsheet list of all roads, equipment and other departmental expenses.
    • Jason proposed a lottery for new roads to be paved.
  • Executive
    • Karen suggested 10K for the server and office equipment. This would be an expenditure funded via warrant article.
  • Community Center
    • Karen suggested that 10K for the furnace be placed either in the ‘91 or ‘97 town building fund (precise fund to be confirmed).
  • Transfer Station
    •  Likely the same allocation for 2020 as last year. To be confirmed.
  • Gravestone Repair
    • Marlene suggested allocating 1K to this fund for 2020.
  • Library
    • Confirm 13K to be allocated for new carpet and painting in 2020.

Review and Confirmation of Departmental Interviews

The committee confirmed the interview dates timeline as follows, with the caveat that the Roads Committee will meet ahead of September 11th:

September 4th – Police, Fire and Transfer Station departments

September 11th – Highway, Executive and Library


The meeting was adjourned at 1:12pm.

Next meeting date will be September 4, 2019, at 12:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Claire James.