CIP Meeting Minutes 10.02.19

Members Present: Marlene Freyler, Justin Dohrn, Claire James, Karen Hambleton

Others Present – Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC; Stephanie Alexander, CNHRPC; Andrew Pinard, Michael James

Members Absent: Caleb Connor, Jason Allen, Carol Troy

Meeting opened at 12:06pm.

Review and Approval of 9.24.19 Meeting Minutes

Motion was made by Karen Hambleton to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Justin Dohrn. Motion carried 4-0.


CNHRPC (Central NH Regional Planning Commission)

Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC Director and Stephanie Alexander, CNHRPC Senior Planner came before the CIP Committee to provide a summary of the purpose and value of a CIP plan, and also to answer several questions (many of which arose at a previous meeting on September 11, 2019) about the proper use of the CIP, what is permissible, general CIP process and other questions. For a full list of questions and answers as provided by the CNHRPC representatives, please see the following FAQ link:

To be posted when available.

Additional information can be also found at the following CNHRPC website:

Stephanie will send digital copies of the handouts provided at the meeting. She also advised that she may have a sort of CIP sample summary document in an easier to read format, as compared to the spreadsheet format used by the CIP Committee members. This format would be more user-friendly for members of the public and could be posted on the town website for general reference.

Review of all Projects Submitted

Claire provided the committee members with a summary of departmental project request updates for 2020. A separate, more detailed spreadsheet was provided for the Highway Department. It was noted that the Johnson Hill Road project needs to be updated, as the estimated cost is higher. Total proposed project costs were estimated at $489,750, using last year’s allocations for certain projects where applicable. Claire asked the committee members to review the projects and come prepared with comments and/or suggestions at the next meeting.

Other Notes

It was noted that the following adjustments need to be made to the CIP spreadsheet:

  • The Bradford Newbury Sutton Youth Sports line (under the General section) should be removed and placed somewhere within the Operating Budget spreadsheet
  • The Boat Launch line (under the General section) should be removed and placed somewhere within the Operating Budget spreadsheet.
  • The following lines should be removed from the Capital Reserve Fund section of the spreadsheet, as the town does not fund these:
    • 1905 Cemetery Fund
    • 1994 Cemetery Damage Fund


Meeting was adjourned at 1:50pm.

Next meeting date is October 9, 2019, at 12:00pm at the BACC.

Minutes submitted by Claire James.