CIP Minutes 06.17.15





Meeting called to order by Marcia Keller, Chair, at 6:00pm

In Attendance

Marcia Keller, CIP Chair, Planning Board Alt; Jim Bibbo, School Budget Committee/Planning Board; Sonny Harris, Board of Selectmen; Don Jackson, Budget Committee; Claire James, Planning Board; Barry Wheeler, Highway Department; Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC; Harry Wright, Town Hall Restoration Committee/Board of Selectmen

Consideration of Minutes 05.27.15

Motion to accept the minutes of May 27, 2015 without edits, voted 4-0. Sonny Harris and Barry Wheeler abstained.

Interview 2: Transfer Station

Transfer station trash compactor application reviewed with adjustment to years of impact.

Interview 3: Town Hall Restoration Committee (THRC)

Town Hall restoration application reviewed with edit only to first year of impact.

Interview 4: Highway Department

Highway Dept applications reviewed. Prior year applications removed for Sand Screen, 6-Wheel Dump Truck (lease-purchase) and Grader. It was agreed that all road project applications will be aggregated into a single application resulting in one yearly appropriation for road repair within the CIP. Adjustments made to anticipated cost and years of impact for several prior year items.

-Katie Nelson, CNHRPC, will speak with Road Agent to assess financial needs for road repair in order to come up with an estimated yearly cost to the town.

-Revised Highway Dept Applications will be revisited at CIP Meeting July 1, 2015.

Interview 5: Bradford Area Community Center (BACC)

BACC applications reviewed with adjustment only to year of impact for heating system.

Other Business

– Secretary will schedule Police Dept for interview July 1, 2015 and contact Library Trustee Chair requesting sign-off on CIP tracking sheet.

– As there was no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 7:00pm.

The next CIP meeting will be held Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 6:00pm at the BACC Youth Room.