CIP Minutes 08.17.11

P O BOX 436
BRADFORD, N.H. 03221
AUGUST 17, 2011

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Don Jackson, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. with Jon Marden, Phil LaMoreaux, Harry Wright, Selectmen representative, Dick Keller and Marlene Freyler present. Marge Cilley, Secretary was absent.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent came before the CIP Committee and discussed the condition of the vehicles used and ones needed by the Highway Department, and the reasons for the decisions.

2012 – It was suggested the L8000 truck, which isn’t in too bad condition could slide and put the grader replacement in here for $100,000.00 which could be done with the “not to exceed statement included”.

2013- The 350 is considered to be in fairly good condition, but because of the mileage and condition Jeff Remillard, Road Agent would like to keep this as a spare to use in the winter for plowing and small jobs, and keep the wear and tear from a new vehicle when the time comes to replace it.

Chipper – 1984 is pretty tired, but has been kept glued together. This is an 8” and Jeff advised he would like a replacement the same size.

2014 – Massey Fergerson tractor, used for road side mowing, raking and mowing of transfer station twice a year. Jeff also advised he has found a company that can replace tines on the rake, but it would cost more money than purchasing a new one. Cost of a new rake is estimated at around $2500.00. A loader for the tractor is not being asked for.

2015 – Ford Louisville truck, hard to get parts as this truck is not made anymore per Jeff Remillard, Road Agent, and the price of the parts are costing more. The spreader showing in 2015 may or may not be needed.

2016 – The International, another 6 wheeler with mileage not being too bad, however is known for electrical problems and two years ago was at F D Reade’s during the winter about once a week for two months, as it would just shut off and not start. Thinking about replacing with a 10 wheeler at this time. The Beaver Power Mower would be a replacement, which is the long arm mower the highway department currently has.

Don Jackson, Chair questioned the condition of the grader to which Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised it is not getting any worse, but it does need attention. Jeff advised they have stopped making parts for this grader. One place did say they could do the repair and estimated a price of around $82,000.00, which does not make sense. A 2005 used grader with three or four thousand hours on it for $95,000.00 perhaps should be the avenue looked at per Jeff Remillard, Road Agent.

It would be recommended by Jeff Remillard, Road Agent to go for a used grader for around one hundred thousand as opposed to a new one for around two hundred seventy two thousand dollars as priced last year.

2017 – Get a loader as the hours will be twice as many as now.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised equipment that is being replaced should probably be turned over and traded in for replacements.

Dick Keller questioned what the rental of equipment consisted of to the town, and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised the excavator, with truck and trailer, skid steer sweeper attachment, another excavator as well as some hand tools, cycle bar mower etc. If I have it and the town can use it, then I let them use it, with no extra expense.

There being no other questions for Jeff Remillard, Road Agent, the CIP committee thanked him.

Don Jackson, Chair advised that after the Road Committee meets the CIP Committee would like to have a dialog with them and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent as to what the Road Committee feels the priorities are. About one million a year is requested for five or six roads and these do need to be prioritized. At this time the CIP Committee moved to the Selectmen’s Office so the Road Committee could meet in the main room.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator for Administrative Costs:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator met with the CIP Committee regarding a distribution of split out of what Bruss’ figures are as to what it would cost as opposed to what it would cost for us to stay here without expanding the use of the second floor. In addition, Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that everyone should be aware that there is an option of moving the offices out of the Town Hall and on the second page of the report lists required improvements to the Community Center. The roofing and insulation was brought up as being questionable at the Community Center. Parking Lot will need to be addressed and repaved and the exterior of the building needs the bricks to be repointed. The building is an Emergency Shelter and needs showers and air conditioning. A heating system that was put in was not geared towards energy efficiency, which is already five years of age.

The Town Hall renovations would include but not limited to an elevator, rest rooms, support rails, parking lot, septic system, energy improvement including insulating the building.

At this time the Road Committee announced they would be meeting at the Highway Garage, and the CIP Committee will go over there after their meeting is done.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised if the Selectmen’s office and Town Clerk’s office were to go to the Community Center, they would need about 850 square feet. This would entail the bottom floor of the Community Center, not including the Youth Room.

Much discussion ensued. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will e-mail the information to Jon Marden.

Mention was made that the primary thing to be done would be the furnace in the back section of the Town Hall and perhaps extend the zoning for maybe another $15,000.00, and this could be put in the operating budget.

The CIP Committee thanked Cheryl Behr, Administrator for her input.

The Committee adjourned to the Highway Garage to attend the Road Committee Meeting.

The next meeting will be held on:


Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted from tape

Marjorie R. Cilley
