CIP Meeting Minutes 09.12.18


Attendees:  Marlene Freyler, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Claire James

Absent: Jim Bibbo, Sheila Jackson

Meeting was brought to order at 12:00pm.


CIP project requests for the time period 2018-2023 were reviewed by the committee members, with the following notes:

  1. There was some discussion amongst committee members regarding potential new projects to be added as follows:
    1.  Additional maintenance items for the Community Center (painting, brick reworking, etc.).  Karen will look into this and advise re projects and estimated costs.
    2. West Main St. Improvement Plan – Currently this account designated for this purpose holds approximately 72K.  Approximately 48-50K additional is needed to fulfill the town’s 20% match obligation under TAP eligibility guidelines.  This line item should be added under the “General” category, as it is not funded through any of the Highway Dept. accounts/funds.
  1. At least one project from the 2018-2023 has been completed and can therefore be removed: Fire Alarm System and Security System.
  2. The “Revaluation Reserve” costs approximately $30,000 every 5 yrs.  Therefore 6K should be set aside each year in anticipation of this expense.  However, as the next town valuation will take place in 2020 and the current “Revaluation Reserve” account balance is at 10K, we will need to set aside 10K in 2019 and 10K in 2020 in order to have the full 30K in hand for the year in which it will be spent.  Following 2020, the yearly amount set aside for this purpose will revert to 6K.
  3. An inventory update of vehicles/machinery was discussed for the police and highway departments.  Those responsible for following up with these departments will provide this update (to include year/make of all vehicles/machines, and remaining years of life until replacement).
  4. Master Plan allotment could be 1K per year for the next ten years, or maybe another allocation plan makes more sense.  Revisit this at next meeting.

Committee members were assigned to follow up with departments for any project updates since last year, according to the break-down below:

  • Library and Transfer Station – Claire
  • Community Center and Highway Dept. – Karen
  • Fire Dept. – Marlene
  • Police Dept. – Jason

The Town Hall project was discussed.  As the CIP Committee would like to submit an updated CIP to the Budget Committee no later than the end of October, a placeholder number for the Town Hall will likely need to be inserted, as a plan for Town Hall will likely not have been developed by the Select Board by then.

The CIP Application for the departments was raised by Jason Allen, who suggested that Warner’s application be consulted and perhaps used in place of Bradford’s current application.  Claire will follow up on this, and send updated applications to each committee member, for disbursement to the respective departments for which they have been assigned.

Meeting adjourned approximately 1:07 pm.

NEXT MEETING – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th  – TBD per Sheila Jackson’s availability. (Claire will contact Sheila to follow up on this).