CIP Minutes 10.06.11

OCTOBER 6, 2011
7:00 pm

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Don Jackson, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Jon Marden, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, Dick Keller, Phil LaMoreaux, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Marlene Freyler arrived at 7:05pm.

Review and Consideration of September 1, 2011 minutes:

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, seconded by Jon Marden to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 4-0.

Overview of the next weeks:

Don Jackson, Chair stated that they would make a presentation to the Planning Board on Tuesday, October 11, 2011, at 7:00pm. Any and all CIP members are invited to attend. Last year Bill Glennie made the presentation and Don Jackson, Chair volunteered to make the presentation this year.

Road Committee correspondence:

Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative advised the Road Committee has met twice since the CIP tried to meet with them, one being last night, as well as one a couple of weeks ago. There has been no correspondence from them to the CIP committee. Harry Wright advised they are thinking of: for 2012 to repave Old Warner Road, from Route 114 to the top of the hill. This is kind of an extension of what is being planned to do with the sidewalks and section of road anyway. This is one of the heaviest traveled roads in town. Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if the Road Committee addressed the repaving of East Main Street in conjunction with the sidewalk Grant, because there is $160,000 estimate to pave East Main Street. Did they take that into consideration? Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative thinks they are universally of a mind that ought to be done while the sidewalks are being done. Perhaps contract it to the same person who would be doing Old Warner Road. It was discussed and thought that there may not be any CIP recommendation for any significant paving in 2012. It being too early and the issue being no statistics have come in, thus the CIP is not prepared to make a decision. Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if this included the paving of East Main Street to which she was answered, no, that was not addressed. That has been calculated at $80,000.

Dick Keller’s project:

Dick Keller walked through his project of Budget and CIP Limits and explained each category and year and adjustments were made.

Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative stated that the CIP keep coming up with numbers that the Tax Payer’s will buy, and questioned if that is our position as CIP committee or is it our job to project out things that we think needs to be done? The consensus was the latter.

Phil LaMoreaux suggested it is one input to the budget committee. The budget committee has to make recommendations on operating budget and capital; it is part of what they do. This is a guide which can be totally dismissed by the Budget Committee or the Selectmen can totally dismiss it. It gives a heads up to the Budget Committee and/or Selectmen. Comment was that it is not inappropriate for the CIP to consider the impact on the overall spending of the town, otherwise information could be collected from the Department Heads and submit it. Discussion continued.

The Public Hearing held by the Planning Board regarding the CIP is scheduled for October 25, 2011 and will be advertised as such around town and in the paper.

Phil LaMoreaux questioned talking with CNHRPC and get a price for them to help set up for next year, generate the tables, write reports and put in the budget for Planning board. It would cost more money, but with more experience and someone who does this for a profession, would it be more efficient for the town? Suggestion was to get samples from CNHRPC and provide to the Budget Committee and Selectmen to see if that is what they want or is what the CIP doing adequate.

It was decided the black and white copies are fine for now but color version will be done for later. All reports from departments and all minutes etc will be put on a CD by Jon Marden. A complete record of each year will also be forward to Selectmen, and Planning Board.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned how does the CIP affect Bonding. Discussion continued regarding renovation of the town hall. Cheryl will continue to get information.

Don Jackson, Chair thanked Cheryl for her help and input.

Question was asked if the CIP minutes should be posted on the Web.

Meeting adjourned 9:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
