Conservation Commission Minutes 01.19.21

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
January 19, 2021, 7pm via Zoom

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish and Doug Southard.

Appearance: Anne Payeur, Ausbon Sargent Stewardship Manager, to discuss the design plan recently presented by students for the proposed Abenaki Trails Project at the Bradford Hotel site. Anne restated that the easement standards are to conserve the native flora and fauna, to protect the quality of the ground water, and to preserve the wetland integrity. In light of this, her concerns were the ¼ mile boardwalk looping through a sensitive fen system, lack of a natural resource inventory by NH Fish and Game to determine possible impact on the ecosystem, effect on local species such as threatened wood turtles and green snakes with trail construction, and the limited parking. After lengthy discussion, a rough draft of a statement of position was created by Nathanial, stating that the BCC supports increasing an appreciation of the culture, history and ecology unique to the Bradford Springs Hotel site. However, we have concerns regarding the logistics and environmental impact on the site with implementation of the project. Consultation with DES, Natural Heritage, NH Fish and Game and the Bradford Selectboard by the Abenaki Trails Project is recommended. Discussion should include responsibility of maintenance and liability. Ann will finalize a draft letter to distribute to BCC members and Anne before finalizing and sending to Sherry Gould.

Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft minutes of 12/15/20 were reviewed. A motion was made by Brooks to accept the draft report, seconded by George, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated the remaining $50.86 of the 2020 budget was deposited into the Land Protection Savings Account.

Saving Special Places: This annual land conservation conference will be held virtually April 9 and 10, 2021. Conference details will be released in February.
Selectboard: The Board requested to be removed from a list of towns requiring prior septic permit approval before state approval in septic construction, against the previously written recommendation of the BCC.
Road Salt Environmental Impact: Steve Hall has offered to meet for discussion on town roads which traverse areas that would potentially be harmed and negatively impacted by road salt use. Ann and Doug will research.
Carbon Cashback Petition: BCC will endorse and add our name to the list of groups supporting the carbon cashback initiative, to be submitted to our state legislature.
Bradford Town Properties: There are five town owned properties that are wet or unbuildable. Ann will write a petition to the Selectboard for a warrant article to be presented at town meeting that these lots be offered to abutters as non-buildable lots.
Allen Site Plan Rte. 114: No concerns were expressed.
Shoreland Complaint: Ann, Doug and Patty investigated the site at the Bradford Fish and Game Club. There was no indication of recent tree clearing activity.
Adopt a Road: The Fall 2020 report is on the website. Doug will contact Steve Hall to establish dates for Class VI seasonal road closures.
Warner River Signage: Scott reported that one of the Warner River’s protection signs is gone along Rte. 114. Perhaps it will be found under roadside snow in the spring. Also, DES will do a final review of the long range plan created by the Warner River Local Advisory Board this month before approval.
Langley Properties: Title search is done. Next step is registration with the state.
Big Trees: George will compile list of Bradford Big Trees that are on the county or state list.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday February 16, 2021,7pm at Brown Memorial Library and on Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary