Conservation Commission Minutes 02.16.20

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report, February 16, 2021, 7pm via Zoom

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft minutes of 1/19/2021 were reviewed. A motion was made by George to accept the draft report, seconded by Meg, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated the 2020 budget allocation has been spent.
Abenaki Trails Project: Sherry Gould has received BCC input and statement of position on the proposed site plan at the Bradford Hotel site, as well as feedback from Ausbon Sargent.
ASLPT: Ann was contacted by Andy Deegan regarding an inquiry into a potential 144 acre Bibbo easement. This land is contiguous with the Fearnley easement. BCC members recognized the value of this land in adding to an established wildlife corridor, but need further details and information on the plan. Funding sources also need to be explored.
Warrant Article: Ann presented a warrant article to the SB on 2/01 requesting five specified town properties be offered to abutters for non-housing due to their land locked and/or wetland conditions. Also petitioned was an additional land locked lot to be retained for conservation purposes.
Carbon Cash Back Petition: Publicity in support of this petition will be submitted to the Bridge and other publications prior to the town meeting. Doug knows of a certain someone who is enthusiastic to spread the word.
Road Salt Environmental Impact: Calcium chloride is detrimental to vegetation and water quality. Reducing usage would be beneficial environmentally, but other solutions should be explored. Doug offered to contact NH DES for possible guidance, and also Christopher Avery, the NH Watershed Management Coordinator. Steve Hall/DOT may have other ideas also.
Map7/Lot 76 Deschenes New Construction Application: ZBA denied a request to rehear. A new application was submitted to the ZBA to be reviewed in March 2021.
Map 22/Lot 13, 24 East Shore Drive: An application has been made to DES for permission to build a two car garage on this 0.29 acre lot. Variances will be needed. A site walk is planned for Monday 2/22 at 3pm. Langley Lots: The Langley deed was passed by town counsel, and the title search is finished. Brackett Scheffy inquired about recording the deed. Brooks will contact him to encourage to do so.
Planning Board: The PB is looking into changes to the zoning ordinances and is requesting BCC input. This is an attempt to clarify contradictory ordinances, and help the zoning ordinance reflect the town Master Plan better. Nathanial proposed that a BCC subcommittee review the Natural Resource Inventory and the current Bradford zoning ordinances in preparation for making recommendations to the PB in the updating of the zoning ordinances. Scott mentioned that the Warner River Corridor Management Plan was completed and presented to DES. The advisory board will be meeting with the PB to incorporate it into the Master Plan. This will be included in the updating. A Zoom meeting will be held Thursday 2/25 at 7pm for members wishing to join this discussion.
Tall Pines: It has been noted that the area is in need of oversight. Scott will bring this up with the WR Local Advisory Board and inquire if they would like to take on this site.
DES Shoreland: A permit was approved for Steele Rd Map 23/Lot 20 for a two car garage, 29.95% impervious surface.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 7pm at BML and via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary