Conservation Commission Minutes 03.19.08


Meeting Minutes


Date: March 18, 2008

Time: 7:00 p.m., Town Library

Present: Perry Teele, Phil LaMoreaux, Ann Eldridge, Amy Blitzer, Brooks McCandlish, Nathaniel Bruss, Meg Fearnley, Andrea LaMoreaux (Quorum met)

Visitor: Andrew Pinard, Selectman

I. Previous Meeting Minutes

a. 02/19/08 meeting minutes were reviewed, minor edits made, moved to accept, seconded, and approved by all.

II. Treasurer Report

a. Made some interest.

b. Brooks motioned to accept Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded, no further discussion, approved by all.

III. Correspondence

a. Ann corresponded with DES about wetland issues

i. It appears that DES might be taking vernal pools into account in the future.

ii. Bradford may have to review wetlands by-laws.

b. Conservation Commission Handbooks

i. Ann distributed the four she received (did we ask for five?)

c. Workshop Correspondence

i. Ann distributed workshop flyers received since February meeting.

d. Intents to Cut

i. We received two.

ii. There may be one going on, or about to go on, that we have not been noticed on.

e. Ausbon Sargent Representation

i. Ann spoke with Carol Meise about taking over Amy’s job as representative.

f. Grant Writing Class

i. Action Item: Ann will talk to Miranda or Carol about attending.

IV. Natural Resources Inventory Grant

a. Action Item: Conservation Commission needs to get letters of support.

b. We would like to get the grant to pay for the creation of a database for mapping purposes.

c. Action Item: Ann will meet with Ian from Central Regional New Hampshire Planning Commission about developing a budget for the grant.

d. The Commission brainstormed on the type of information that would be included in the mapping database. Information desired included (but is not limited to):

i. Soils

ii. Agricultural classifications

iii. Forest classifications

iv. Slope/topography

v. Drainage

vi. Basic political information

vii. Tax maps

viii. Watershed boundaries

ix. Aerial photographs

x. Zoning

xi. Wetland layers

xii. Potential contamination sources

xiii. Existing aquifer

xiv. Conservation land overlay

xv. Wildlife corridors

xvi. Significant wildlife

xvii. Land cover

e. Andrew suggests that the Town add to the budget a GIS maintenance fee.

f. Nathaniel suggested setting up planning committees

g. Town is responsible for approximately $1,100 of the grant.

h. $18.77 is the value of volunteer time.

Meeting adjourned at 8: 50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Andrea LaMoreaux