Conservation Commission Minutes 04.20.21

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
April 20, 2021, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library and Zoom
Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean,
Brooks McCandlish and Doug Southard.
Appearance: Michele and David Halsted, representing the Rural Heritage Connection, are assembling a list of bird species seen in the Bradford area. They are requesting BCC member input, with the goal to share this ongoing compilation with the town and hospitality industries and thereby promoting and encouraging protection and appreciation of local natural resources. Enthusiastic support was given for this project. David and Michele will share their personal list of sightings with BCC members to add their own observations. It was mentioned that BCC Facebook is an excellent site for reporting also. On another matter, Michele expressed concern about sale of the town owned Box Corner lots. This is an ecologically sensitive area including wetlands and species of concern, and RHC is interested in helping to ensure that these valuable places are conserved and protected. Ann stated a first step may be for town to offer these lots for sale to current abutters.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 3/16/21 was reviewed, and amended to reflect that Arthur Heino generously donated the logs for the Bog boardwalk, and George will mill them into planks. A motion was made by Brooks to accept the amended draft minutes, seconded by Meg, and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg has paid the 2021 NHACC dues of $250.00.
BCC Officer Elections: Brooks made a motion to reelect current BCC officers to same positions. The motion was seconded by Scott, and unanimously approved. Ann is leading the charge as Chair, Meg Treasurer, and Patty Secretary.
Reappointment: Ann, Brooks and George are up for reappointment. Ann will contact the Selectboard to request this, and then they will need to be sworn in.
UNH Bioblitz: Ann has contacted UNH for further information in our participation in this Sept event.
Abenaki Trails Project: Sherry Gould shared with Ann that the Bradford Springs plans have been scaled back. She understands that any new/revised plans need to be presented to and approved by ASLPT, BCC and the Selectboard. There is a Bradford Hotel Spring site hike scheduled September 25.
ASLPT: There will be a virtual tour of Battles Farm on 4/22, Earth Day. The 55 acre land parcel on Tuttle Road has sold to a private owner. Ann will be attending the ASLPT Chair roundtable discussion on 4/22.
Current Use Penalty Fee Collection: Brooks stated the Code Enforcement Officer, when elected, should alert the town offices when property is taken out of current use. Nathanial suggested that we bring this issue to the new SB. Master Plan: The outline has been presented to the Planning Board, and they will refine and get back to the BCC.
Chivers Subdivision: The site plan seems to indicate a lot line adjustment between three lots. Until we discover which lot is being sold, we have no comments to submit.
Bradford Junction Site Plan: This business is grandfathered, having been built in a floodplain, with no buffers to the wetlands, before building and zoning code laws were made and enforced.
Class VI Road Outline: This procedure for Class VI building permits is presented to the PB and SB every two years. Ann will draft and email to BCC members for approval.
Tall Pines: An inquiry was made about BCC interest in creating an improved interpretive trail in the Tall Pines area. Although there was a lack of enthusiasm among members, Nathanial emphasized it was a natural resource issue that we should guide/encourage other interested groups in, such as RHC or WRLAC. Ann will look into making a trail map of the area. Brooks suggested a Kiosk such as at the Bog.
Road Salt: Doug and Chris Emery, DES, are phone tagging. Meg referred Doug to Lake Sunapee Protective Association, which has done extensive research on road salt issues.
Garage Construction Application East Shore Drive: A variance was granted for a two car garage on a small lot with the construction of a larger storm water retention area.
Economic Development Committee: This group is interested in creating a map with some of our trails on it. Ann made a motion to form a subcommittee of herself, Scott and George to determine which trails to exclude from this map due to limited parking capacity or a private land site. Doug seconded, and all were in favor.
Warner River Local Advisory Committee: Two or three Bradford members are needed. Patty volunteered to try it on.

Vernal Pool Identification: These uniquely valuable amphibian breeding habitats need land owner permission to document, affording educational opportunities. The sites can then be recorded with the state.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next meeting is Tuesday May 18, 2021 at
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary