Conservation Commission Minutes 05.20.08


Meeting Minutes


Date: May 20, 2008

Time: 7:00 p.m., Town Library

Present: Brooks McCandlish, Carol Meise, Meg Fearnley, Nathaniel Bruss, Ann Eldridge, Andrea LaMoreaux, Phil LaMoreaux (Quorum met)

I. Previous Meeting Minutes

a. 04/15/08 meeting minutes were reviewed, minor edits made, moved to accept, seconded, and approved by all.

II. Treasurer Report

a. Earned interest last month.

III. Housekeeping

a. Committee Membership

i. Phil LaMoreaux resigned his full position due to other personal and municipal commitments, but offered to continue to attend meetings.

ii. Meg nominated Carol Meise to become a full member of the commission. Brooks seconded the motion. During the discussion all committee members expressed approval.

1. Action Item: Ann will write selectmen to notify them of the committee membership changes.

b. Gravel Pits

i. The committee discussed if there should be an annual gravel pit inspection day when committee members would visit all active pits.

1. Committee unanimously agreed that this would be a good idea and a standard inspection form should be used and photos should be taken and filed appropriately.

c. Workshops and meeting correspondence were reviewed.

d. Natural Resource Grant Update

i. No word on HPPC grant yet.

ii. The basis for the grant is to help refine zoning and to identify areas to conserve in Bradford.

IV. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services correspondence

a. Letter of compliance for Laurendeau project.

b. Davis Road, James Pickman/Carlson

i. December 31, 2007, letter of deficiency stating that restoration or permit required within 60 days.

1. Action Item: Ann will find out the status of this project.

V. Review of Intents to Cut

i. Massasecum Ave: Some cutting is occurring

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Andrea LaMoreaux