Conservation Commission Minutes 06.16.20

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
June16, 2020, 7pm via Zoom

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard, all present via Zoom.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 5/19/20 were reviewed. Brooks made a motion to accept the minutes as read, George seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated there is no report this month.

Adopt A Road: The Spring 2020 Adopt a Road monitoring reports are being submitted to Doug. Doug has drafted a revised introduction to the material, which BCC members will review and comment on over the next week.

Proposed Class VI Road Ordinances: Ann and Brooks attended the 6/15/20 Select Board Zoom meeting to present a draft of Class VI road ordinances addressing mud season closure and emergency lane designation. Some members of the Board had reservations about designating all Class VI roads as emergency lanes, and that topic was shelved. Doug suggested separating that issue from the other BCC proposed Class VI road ordinances (mud season closure, performance bond for heavy trucking, and town permission for landowner road repair and maintenance) to expedite the Select Board’s acceptance of the ordinances. Brooks suggested discussing a compiled Class VI road ordinance recommendation along with the Spring 2020 Adopt a Road report at our next meeting to present to the Select Board in July.

Shoreland Applications: The Breezy Hill Road application was approved by the ZBA and Planning Board. There has been no word from the house expansion on West Shore Lane where installation of a rain garden to mitigate runoff was suggested by the BCC.

Proposed Subdivision: Sonny Harris contacted Ann regarding concerns of a proposed subdivision between Jewett Road and Forest Street. He noted there are two trout streams traversing the 60 acre property. Brooks informed us that the plan meets requirements for a subdivision, except for road frontage, that the access from Jewett Road is seasonal and therefore lot size is limited to ten acres or more.

Conservation: Ann reported on communication with Brackett Scheffy regarding the transfer of two deeded wetland properties behind Pearl Town Forest to the stewardship of BCC. Brackett has conferred with Andy Deegan and informed Ann that the Office of Charitable Trusts will defend the deed to ensure that the land remains recreational. The owner of the lots is currently getting an appraisal. In another matter, Battles Farm is back on the market. The easement is restrictive in that no agricultural structures may be built in the field on the road, related to the prime agricultural soils and the view.

Fairgrounds Road Non-permitted Junkyard: A letter was sent on 5/13 to the owners stating that fines will be assessed on 6/20/20 if cleanup is not initiated. The owners are attempting to comply and beginning to remove some of the junk piles.

Bradford Bog: George has been busy replacing boardwalk planks. He suggested cutting back some of the encroaching bushes along the boardwalk on the backside near the platform. George reported he has met many people out enjoying the tranquility of the bog when he is there. The platform stairs are functioning superbly, and the rail will be installed when lengthened.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55pm. The next meeting is scheduled July 21, 2020 at 7pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary