Conservation Commission Minutes 06.18.24

Bradford Conservation Commission
Draft Minutes of Meeting 
June 18, 2024 7:00 PM
Brown Memorial Library
Present: Ann Eldridge-Chair, Meg Fearnley-Treasurer, George Beaton, Brooks McCandlish,
Alternates: Seth Benowitz, Scott MacLean and Rebecca Herman were seated.
*Minutes of the May 21, 2024 meeting were reviewed, corrected and approved.
*Treasurer’s Report. Meg presented the spreadsheet of all accounts. The Summer Camp fund has been added to the spreadsheet.
*State of NH passed a law allowing election of conservation commission members if the town votes for it at town meeting.
*Discussion of parking lot expansion at Mount Sunapee Resort. Expansion triggered questions in Newbury about outdated septic system that has been contaminating Beck Brook. This situation will be followed.  
 *Planning Board
-Work continues on Surface Water Protection. Date of next meeting end of June will be confirmed.
Two concerns to be passed on to Planning;
-A question was asked about the town’s reclamation plan (as required by DES) for the  town’s sand pit. Erosion noted here. 

Question about the trailer trucks being stored on the north side of Jones Road. 
*Zoning Board-an appeal from abutters has been filed regarding the meditation center on Massasecum Ave. The appeal triggered a “Right to Know” request for all emails pertaining to the application. 
*VRAP- monitoring was started by George Beaton and Rebecca Herman in May. Monitoring will continue later this month, additional volunteers welcome.
*Hoyt Brook water testing will resume next month. 
*Conservation-a letter of support was sent to ASLPT regarding a possible easement.
*Hazard Mitigation – work continues on updating the plan.
*Adopt A Road- The actual monitoring is ongoing and is scheduled to be completed by the end of the month. A meeting is planned by Doug to meet with the Road Agent and the Fire Chief. 
*Summer Camp Scholarship Program:
Items for sale will be available at the Bradford Independence Day celebration on June 29th.
George Beaton and Rebecca Herman will be stationed at the booth at the church in the morning.  Seth Benowitz and ? will be stationed at a booth at the historical society in the early evening. 
It was decided that all items will be sold for at least the minimum amount suggested by the donor. Items will not be sold by bid or auction. 
The church committee and celebration committee need to be contacted for booth details.  
*Thanks to George Beaton for mowing and sprucing up the Springs site and Battles Easement parking area and trail… And the many other tasks he takes on!!
Respectfully submitted by Scott MacLean