Conservation Commission Minutes 06.17.08



Meeting Minutes


Date: June 17, 2008

Time: 7:00 p.m., Town Library

Present: Brooks McCandlish, Meg Fearnley, Nathaniel Bruss, Ann Eldridge, Amy Blitzer, Andrea LaMoreaux (Quorum met)

Visitor: Phil LaMoreaux

I. Previous Meeting Minutes

a. 05/20/08 meeting minutes were reviewed, moved to accept, seconded, and approved by all.

II. Treasurer Report

a. Earned interest of $8.97 last month.

b. We have approx. $188 left in 2008 budget.

III. Housekeeping

a. Workshop Correspondence

i. Wildlife Action Plan

ii. Landscaping at Waters Edge Workshop

1. Action Item: Ann will post flyer at the Post Office.

b. Correspondence received

i. DES letters of Deficiency

1. Two properties on Lake Massasecum.

c. Letter from Mike Carter

i. Letter was reviewed by committee.

d. Intents to Cut

i. Ann has not been receiving these.

e. Lake Massasecum Flood Study – Selectmen Meeting

i. Ann attended meeting.

f. Senate Bill regarding changes to funding of conservation projects

i. If commission would like to donate to a qualified conservation organization to help with a specific conservation project, would need to have a warrant article at Town Meeting to get this approval.

ii. Commission consensus is to wait until we have an applicable project to request this approval.

g. HPPC Grant

i. The overall state funding for grant has been reduced by 50%,

ii. Grant applicants will be notified soon.

iii. Action Item: At our next meeting, we should figure out how to proceed with project.

IV. Bog Easement

a. This has been delayed at the New England Wildflower Society (NEWFS)

b. NEWFS would like Town to help with Attorney fees

c. Action Item: Ann will write a letter stating that we do not understand their concerns.

V. Upcoming Events

a. Commission discussed holding an October education/outreach event.

i. Brooks suggested the “They sawed up a storm” presentation

ii. Action Item: Brooks will talk to the UNH Cooperative Extension to see what programs are available.

Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Andrea LaMoreaux