Conservation Commission Minutes 07.16.24

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
July 16, 2024 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Becca Herman, Scott MacLean, Doug Southard, and Rett Weber. Also present Clay Cassone.
Secretary’s Draft Report 6/18/24: The most excellent draft minutes were reviewed. Meg made a motion to accept the report as read, George seconded followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg presented the treasury account spreadsheet, and reported $820 is in the summer camp fund. An article thanking the generous donors will be drafted for submission to the Bridge.
Shoreline Wall Restoration: Clay Cassone of 36 French’s Park presented an application to restore a 92-foot section of shoreland lake wall in a terraced arrangement to prevent erosion on his lakefront property. He presented photos, maps, and a description of intent, along with an application for a wetlands permit by notification. Wild blueberries will be replanted in the terraced sections. Following questions and discussion, Meg made a motion that the permit be signed by Ann, Patty seconded, and all unanimously approved.
Blaisdell Lake Road Map 3 Lot 36 Restoration Plan: The Department of Environmental Services has approved a detailed restoration plan for the owners of this property.
Culvert Grant: Rett will meet with Karen Hambleton and Steve Hall to collect data for the letter of intent for a BRIC (Building Resilient Infrastructure and Community) Grant for culvert replacement in Bradford
which would allow for safe aquatic wildlife passage. The application due date is September.
Warner River Local Advisory Committee: An email was sent to Ann with concerns about a years old, but still active, intent to cut and logging on the former Chivers property on the Warner River. Ann will draft a letter to DES to request an oversight on erosion controls that BCC may implement.
Lake Massasecum Improvement Association Inquiry: Vice chair Jim Dexter inquired if there is a watershed plan for Lake Massasecum, and would like to work on accomplishing this. The Surface Water Protection Ordinance is being currently formulated by the Planning Board, the Central Regional Planning Commission, and the Bradford Conservation Commission. The next meeting is Wednesday Jul 24 at 2pm.
Massasecum Ave Meditation Center: The Zoning Board approved the recently submitted revised application.
County Rd/West Rd/Center Rd Map 6 Lot 26: The Select Board responded to an inquiry about a stump dump at this location. It was determined there is no violation due to the stumps not being near a wetlands, not buried and not an environmental issue.
Class VI Road Ordinance: This ordinance is being rewritten to reflect the increased awareness of possible building on Class VI roads, and the responsibility of the town to provide services.
NH Volunteer River Assessment Program: Becca and George reported that the 2nd study has been completed.
Old Mountain Road: The Merrimack County Conservation Commission and Mike Lynch (NH Best Management Practices for Erosion Control) met to discuss repair of the stream along Old Mountain Road due to landowner disturbance creating runoff into the stream. There may be possible grants available.
Adopt-A-Road: Doug met with Bradford Road Agent and Fire/Rescue to discuss basic Class VI road issues such as demarcation, building permits, driveway applications, locating residences with 911 address, and fire and rescue feasibility to act in an emergency situation in a safe manner. Much work to be done.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05pm. The next meeting will be held Tuesday August 20, 2024, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary