Conservation Commission Minutes 07.21.20

Bradford Conversation Commission
Draft Meeting Minutes
July 21, 2020 — 7 pm
Brown Memorial Library Lawn, and Zoom Platform

Present: Ann Eldridge – Chair, Meg Fearnley -Treasurer, George Beaton, Doug Southard, Brooks McCandlish.

Minutes of 6/16/2020 –

Brooks moved to approve minutes of June meeting; Doug seconded, unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report –

Meg gave a verbal report. There were no changes to account balances other than a few cents interest earned. George will have a bill for fasteners for Bog tower stair fasteners to submit. Less than $400 of the $900 appropriated by the Town for Other Conservation in 2020 has been spent to date. A new map printing will be needed. It was suggested to reprint 100 for distribution.

Langley Lots donation –

Brackett Scheffy has prepared a deed to tranfer two lots to the Town for conservation purposes. Cynthia Langley, the donor, has contracted an appraiser, who asked for assistance locating the properties; George, Brooks, and others offered to help. Ann will relay the offer.

DCNR communications –

State officials were notified that some of the grounding cables on the tall “Bradford Pines” have apparently been removed. Since it is believed that the cables provide little benefit but can potentially harm the trees, DCNR has no plan to replace them.

Ann has a Minimum Impact Wetland Notification form for replacing a bridge on the Knight’s Hill Trail in Low State Forest. Brooks offered to help fill it out and prepare the required attachments. The form will also need a landowner signature from the Division of Forests and Lands. A work party to install new bridge in August/September?

Warner River Local Advisory Board-

Ken Milander has distributed the draft corridor management plan through Ann, and is looking for input, particularly on Chapter 6, Goals and Recommendations. He would like to meet with the Commission at our August meeting.

Class 6 Roads –

Doug will submit a copy of the Spring 2020 Adopt-a-Road Report. Next steps: Come up with a priority listing of roads that need attention/protection. Work with Road Agent and Road Committee to determine signage needs and suggest signage wording.

Next meeting –

7 pm 8/18/2020 via Zoom platform link:

and/or at the Brown Memorial Library

Submitted by Brooks McCandlish