Bradford Conservation Commission
August 15, 2017, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish.
Secretary’s Report: The draft minutes for 7/18/17 were unavailable for acceptance.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated BCC has earned $9.78 in interest on accounts.
Warner River: The submission of the nomination of the Warner River to the NH River Management and Protection Program will be decided by the DES at the end of August. This step will determine if the nomination will be submitted to the NH Legislature for voting.
Map 9/Lot 10: There has been road fill at this site on East Washington Road that is encroaching on wetlands. Ann will file a complaint form to submit to the Selectmen.
2 East Washington Road, Map 13/Lot 1: Loggers have returned to complete the timber harvest at this location.
Road Hazard Management: Bruce Edwards will be attending an upcoming meeting of the BCC to discuss a possible grant for culvert repair and installation around Lake Massasecum.
Rowe Mountain Road Culverts: Ann received an email from Martin Bean regarding town and private culverts on this road. Ann will follow up with one owner of property concerning a culvert that is perched and ready to fail and prevents passage of brook trout in the stream.
Beaver Deceiver: Beaver activity is potentially flooding sites on Forrest Street and West Road, and these two areas would serve as possible locations for Beaver Deceiver installation. Seth volunteered to speak with the landowners at these sites to discuss how this would alleviate the situation, while allowing the beavers to continue to inhabit the area. Upon consent of the landowners, the BCC will approach the Selectmen for approval and the Rural Heritage Committee for assistance in funding.
East Washington Road, Map 8/Lots 5, 6, 30, 31: The proposal of a hunting preserve at this location will be deliberated and a decision made by the ZBA on Wednesday, August 16 at 7pm.
Big Trees: George and Seth have discovered a Black Spruce and a Balsam Fir at the Bradford Bog, and also a Beech on Peter Blitzer’s property which will all be submitted for inclusion on the NH Big Trees record.
Bradford Tall Pines: George and Tom Wilkins determined the dead Tall Pine tree is soft and too far gone to be of use in a growth ring study.
Wetland Ordinance: We will be reviewing the wetland ordinances in the neighboring towns of Henniker, Hopkinton and Warner at a future meeting.
Off Highway Recreational Vehicle Use in Bradford: The formation of a policy on OHRV use in Bradford was discussed. The development of a regional approach is needed. Issues to consider in the creation of a policy should include OHRV use on current trails, will the Bradford police patrol and enforce the policy, and the need for state approval. It was determined that data collection was needed, which would include locations of OHRV use. Seth volunteered to call landowners for input on OHRV use in their areas.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary