Conservation Commission Minutes 09.15.20

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Minutes
September 15, 2021, 7 pm at Doug Southard home and via Zoom

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard.

Appearance: Sherry Gould, Daryl Peasley, and Don Stevens, all representing the Abenaki Trails Project, a chronicle of the journey of their Abenaki ancestors which highlights and enhances the positive regional influences made by the Abenaki people at sites frequented by them. The Bradford Springs is historically considered sacred because of the healing waters, and the project would like to promote awareness and a deeper understanding of the cultural influence the Abenaki people have had on the area at the site. Some of the proposed ideas are creation of a boardwalk to the springs wellhead, an informative addition to the kiosk, a pavilion to host cultural and educational events, and the erection of a monument to honor and recognize Abenaki history. The Bradford Selectboard has been approached, and offered strong encouragement for the project. There appears to be no conflict with the stipulations in the easement on the property. Ann stated that Ausbon Sargent needs to be involved in this discussion. Brooks made a motion to support the concept and involve AS to move forward. Nathanial seconded and all were in favor.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 8/18/20 were reviewed and amended with the following corrections: corrected spelling of Turco, addition of Rachael to work accomplished at the Bog, and Bob Blank’s pear tree being nominated as the State champ. A motion was made by Brooks to accept the draft report as amended, seconded by George, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: $0.97 interest has been accrued on accounts.

NHACC Annual Meeting: This event will be held via Zoom on November 7, 2020.

Selectboard: Ann and Brackett Scheffy attended the 9/14 meeting to discuss the donation of two wetland lots behind Pearl Town Forest. The Langley deed has been signed and notarized, and needs to be recorded with the county. The Selectboard unanimously approved the donation of the property with the BCC accepting the donation. Ann made a motion to reimburse Brackett up to $200 for costs incurred in the recording fee.

Class VI Road Mud Season Closure List: The list has been approved by the Selectboard. Steve Hall has ordered signage and suggested closure of all Class VI roads during mud season. Signs will be placed by the road crew. Doug noted that residents on Class VI roads need to be notified of this change.

Naughton Recycling: Ann and Scott attended the recent site walk on Jones Rd. The public hearing is 9/22/20 at 7pm. BCC formal comments were discussed, and our position will state disapproval for use as a container storage area as it is not an appropriate use of this site in close proximity to the river. However, if the if the application is passed, stipulation should include the installment of a septic system for the building on the hill, cleaning of dumpsters away from the site prior to storage, and placement of a physical barrier between cleaned dumpsters and the river. Ann will draw up formal comments.

Map 18/Lot 13 Breezy Hill Rd:The application for tree clearing was accepted by Shoreland Protection. Plans are to build a new larger house on the site.

Low Forest Trailwork: The Trail Wetland Notification for bridge construction was sent to DES and approved. A workday for trail, water bar, and bridge construction will take place on Sunday October 18 at 9am (rain date 10/25 9am).Water bars are needed on Dunfield Rd, with the bridge being built on Knight’s Hill Trail. Ann will write a notice in the October Bridge.

Warner Conservation Commission ARMs Grant: A letter of support for culvert replacement through an Aquatic Resource Mitigation grant was sent.

Town Property Land Review: The BCC will suggest that the wet West Meadow lot be offered to abutters. Also, Doug made a motion that the wet parcels abutting the Langley lots be removed from town-owned properties and put under the BCC umbrella. Scott seconded, all in favor.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday October 20, 2020, 7pm at BML.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary