Conservation Commission Minutes 09.18.18

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Report
September 18, 2018, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Doug Southard.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 8/21/18 were reviewed and accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated that $9.09 interest was earned on accounts. She will prepare the 2019 Budget and present to the BCC next month for voting.

Master Plan Update: BCC members were asked to review and comment on the draft of the Master Plan’s Natural Resources chapter. Mention of energy/renewables was made, and it was noted that installation of wind and solar devices are not taxed by the town.

Adopt a Road: Doug presented the draft Adopt a Road Report, a compilation of Bradford Class VI road monitoring efforts by volunteers. Thirteen of fifteen roads have been documented, with Massasecum Ave and Bible Hill Rd remaining. When complete, the report will be presented to the Select Board, requesting feedback and any additional information needed. Also, advice will be sought regarding the reporting of land misuse in monitoring, such as the presence of junk cars. BCC members approved appropriating funds to reimburse Doug for printing expenses.

ATV Activity on Class V/VI Roads: Doug reported on a meeting he attended in Hillsborough of concerned landowners regarding ATV use on Class V/VI roads, in preparation for the public hearing of the Woodland ATV Club before the Hillsborough Select Board on 10/24.
Friends of the Mink Hills will meet at the Telephone Museum in Warner on Monday September 25 at 5pm. Representatives from ATV clubs, Fish and Game, and a local Conservation Officer will be there for possible collaboration attempts.
Hillsborough Conservation Commission is requesting any information on the impact of ATV usage on natural resources in surrounding towns. Effects such as erosion, water issues, noise pollution and the flattening of water bars were mentioned.

Hazard Mitigation Plan: The report was presented to the Select Board. It will be sent back to the State, and then to the Feds.

Warner River Local Advisory Committee: Three Bradford residents were chosen by the Select Board from five candidates to serve on the committee. Scott MacLean, Bruce Edwards and Carol Meise were selected. These representatives will play a vital role in continuing the efforts necessary in protecting the Warner River and its corridor.

New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions: The annual NHACC gathering will convene on Saturday November 3 at Pembroke Academy. A wide variety of workshops are being offered and information is posted online at the NHACC website. Scott and George expressed interest in attending.

Deceiver Beaver: Town Road Agents freed a beaver that become stuck in the metal grate attempting to go the wrong way in the deceiver device at the West Rd location. Skip Lisle repaired the damage to the cut barrier. Many thanks to the kindness of the town road crew, and to Skip for responding.

Land Conservation: Ausbon Sargent has asked for monetary assistance for survey costs (about $7K) on a potential easement in Bradford. The parcel contains 200 acres and affords protection for a brook on the property. Following discussion, a vote decided to offer to pay one-half of the survey cost.

Bradford Bog Boardwalk Repair Day: This annual fun-palooza will begin at 9am on Sunday October 14. Nathanial has spoken with John McDonald regarding procuring the needed hemlock boards (40). Seth will create flyers to advertise this much anticipated event, and Ann will submit an article to the Bridge.

Bradford Tall Pines Footbridge: George volunteered to repair recent damage to the bridge.

Chestnut Tree: Our Big Tree guy George announced that the large Chestnut Tree on Chestnut Hollow Rd has been declared the Merrimack County Champ. George also investigated a large Chestnut on Smith Rd, but that tree has some more growing to do.

New BCC Member: With enthusiastic endorsement, the BCC voted to nominate Doug Southard as our newest alternate. Doug’s name will be presented to the Select Board for official appointment.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday October 16, 2018, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary