Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
January 21, 2025 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard and Rett Weber. Also present Aaron Wechsler of Aspen Environmental Consultants.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 12/17/24 were reviewed. Nathanial motioned to accept the report as read, Meg seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg acknowledged the notification of the 2024 Bradford current use change penalty tax from the town, and $26,000 will be deposited into the Land Protection Fund. Meg also reported a $100 anonymous donation to the Bradford Environmental Scholarship Fund.
Conditional Use Permit 493 Center Road, Map 6 Lot 26: Aaron Wechsler of Aspen Environmental Consultants presented his plan for an after-the-fact application to obtain a wetland permit for a proposed driveway at this residence, to accommodate parking for equipment needed for the owner’s construction business as well as various recreational vehicles. This driveway will impact an additional 23 SF of permanent wetland, in addition to the 1107 SF previously impacted with construction of an unpermitted driveway. Permitting is needed from the Town and State. Grading and transition changes are being proposed, as well as a 12-18 foot fieldstone retaining wall.
Concerns of the Bradford Conservation Commission include a general objection to the use of this site for this application, a questioning of the potential failure of the boundary wall between the machinery and the wetland, the hindrance of documented wood turtle movement in seeking egg laying areas, lack of specific wall construction details, possible driveway runoff into the wetland, and permission to inspect the completed project by a qualified individual. These concerns will be sent to the Bradford Planning Board by Ann prior to their next meeting.
NHDOT Beaver Dam Rte. 103: There is still no response from NHDOT regarding the BCC suggestion of installation of a beaver exclusion device on the NFI property.
Surface Water Overlay District: BCC supports the initial passing of SWOD. It is not a perfect plan, but any protection of our water resources is invaluable. Nathanial voiced concern regarding the SWOD opposition to livestock grazing within 75 ft of water bodies, and stated that conscientious rotational grazing would ameliorate these issues. Meg will post an encouragement for residents to vote on SWOD at the March town meeting on BCC Facebook page.
Culvert BRIC Grants: Rett will be meeting 1/30/25 with the State, Ben Nugent, Steve Hall and Karen Hambleton to brainstorm on culvert replacement funding through the BRIC program.
Selectboard: A request was received for a letter of support for a sidewalks grant in Bradford. The Bradford Conservation Commission endorses a walkable sidewalk town, for the health and safety of our community.
Ausbon Sargent Outreach Committee: Scott reported on the most recent meeting. The new Executive Director, Hans Carlson, was introduced. There is a new 314 acre easement abutting Star Lake Farm in Springfield called the Garfield Family Forest. Lake Sunapee Protective Association is updating septic
system requirements on properties surrounding the lake. Also, there will be a guided snowshoe hike on the Rosenblum Conservation Easement in Danbury Wednesday, February 12, 1-3pm.
Environmental Summer Camp Scholarship: Patty presented information on the NH Audubon Summer Camp programs, dates and cost. She also contacted the Bradford Community School to inquire on procedures to get this scholarship availability information to the children and their families. The BCC will
be sponsoring three individual scholarships for a one week summer session at NH Audubon, Concord this year. Patty will make the connections.
Trees for Schools: Ann received information on a trees for schoolyards program. She will forward this to Laurie Buchar.
Bradford Bog Boards: George reported 57 planks were replaced this year at the Bog. Many thank yous, Geo!!!!
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday February 18, 2025, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary