Conservation Commission Minutes 11.16.10

Draft  Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Notes
Date: November 16, 2010
Time: 7pm
Location: Brown Memorial Library

Present:  Meg Fearnley, Nathanial Bruss, Brooks McCandlish, Ann Eldridge – members present. Carol Meise available if necessary by phone. Perry Teele, Andrea LaMoreaux, Amy Blitzer (alternate) members absent.

Secretary’s minutes from October 19 and September 21 read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report: Interest earned. A second letter was sent to the Budget Committee with information requested. Treasurer was unable to attend Budget meeting. Budget request reduced by 5%.

Correspondence: Nathanial to attend ‘How to make your town farm friendly’ workshop #2 sponsored by Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.

Planning Board Comments:  Ann attended Planning Board meeting public hearing 11/9 re: Corsair gravel pit. Application much more complete and approved by PB with conditions of stormwater pollution  plan, special exception from ZBA for commercial use in residential zone, and reclamation bond/plan.

CIP information from the Conservation Commission did not reach the committee. Lost at mailbox? Committee has information now and will continue to revise CIP and present to Budget Committee.

Brooks will be in contact with the Natural Resource Subcommittee of the Planning Board to discuss potential zoning changes for next year.

Suggested to follow up on County Road property owned by Naomi Payne.

Conservation:  LCHIP application moves forward. Met with full board on November 15 for question and answer period before final decisions made.

Public Presentation: Good turnout for the Eagle program in October. Suggested to present another program in mid-January. Several suggestions made as to speakers. To be researched.

Brooks to contact Andrew Pinard about possibility of having a conservation commission email address.

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm    JA Eldridge