Conservation Commission Minutes 12.18.20

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
December 15, 2020, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library and via Zoom

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish and Doug Southard.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg has requested that the remaining $50.86 of the 2020 budget be deposited into the Land Protection Account. Brooks made a motion to such action, Patty seconded, and all were in favor.

Town Septic Sign Off: The Selectboard was inquiring about an RSA involving septic sign off for NH towns, where towns may pre-approve septic designs before they go to the State. BCC believes the value of this is that such action may trigger awareness of issues such as a needed building permit, or that wetlands are present, or there is a change in current use status. Ann contacted NHACC to ask how this RSA originated to answer the SB inquiry.

Carbon Cash Back Petition: This was presented by Barbara Southard at the 11/17 BCC meeting as a resolution to take action on climate pollution, and encourages people to contact elected state representatives to enact carbon pricing legislation. Brooks made a motion that the BCC support a town warrant article to endorse the carbon cash back petition. Doug seconded, and there was enthusiastic unanimous approval.

Bradford Town Properties: There are several town owned lots that the BCC will encourage the Town to take action on. A West Meadow Road 5 acre wetland parcel and an East Washington Rd 3.41 acre unbuildable lot, both of which are suggested offering to abutters. Also, a wet unbuildable 1.7 acre lot behind Pearl Town Forest that is contiguous with the Langley lots that the Town just acquired through donation.

Fairgrounds Road Unpermitted Junkyard: Ann reported that the Town enacted a massive cleanup of the property recently.

DES Shoreland Correspondence: A complaint was received regarding the Bradford/Newbury Fish and Game property on Gillingham Drive, that involved a report of increased cutting in the parking lot area (Map 22/ Lot 111). Meg made a motion for BCC to visit property tomorrow at 10am and write comments on findings to the DES. George seconded, and all were in favor.

Map7/Lot 76 Deschenes New Construction Application: The ZBA has denied the application for the variances requested on this wet lot on Davis Road.

Adopt a Road 2020 Fall Report: Doug reported that he has included a section of updates to the survey with bullet points to allow easier review by the public. Brooks made a motion to approve the report, Meg seconded, and all were in favor. Doug was applauded for a job well done and appreciated!

Langley Lots: Ann reported that the Town offices need the titles to the two donated lots. A land attorney has been hired to do this.

Bradford Hotel Site: The Abenaki Trails Project people have taken water samples from the well head to investigate if it is potable. A flora and fauna inventory has been done by Harvard students. Discussion by ATP of future use of the site includes using the entire site, cleaning up and planting native fruit and nut trees. Doug underscored the the project be viewed as a collaboration of uses between interests and those visiting the site.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at BML and via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary