Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Notes
Date: December 20, 2011
Time: 7pm
Location: Brown Memorial Library
Present: Brooks McCandlish, J. Ann Eldridge, Nathanial Bruss, Seth Benowitz, Meg Fearnley, George Beaton, Patty Furness. Absent: Andrea LaMoreaux, Carol Meise, Amy Blitzer (alternate).
Secretary’s Report: Draft minutes from November 15 meeting read and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report: The recent Selectmen’s policy of opening and reviewing all mail at the Town office is the source of errors in financial reporting. Two bills were opened and paid without any notification to the Conservation Commission treasurer. A bill for 2012 NHACC annual dues ($210) was paid in October by the Town offices from the 2011 budget. The bill comes early to allow for Commission budget preparation, but isn’t due until April 2012. This has created a negative balance for the year. A bill from the Concord Monitor for a Battles Farm Project public notice was also paid at the office without notice to the Commission. This bill should have been paid from Commission savings, not our budget. Meg to check and hopefully find a solution. Nathanial reimbursed for planking for the Bog boardwalk, Seth reimbursed for NHACC annual meeting. George submitted receipt for same, Patty to do likewise. Northern Geomantics bill for $500 – received $163, due $337.
Correspondence/workshop announcements:
· Newbury hosted a forum on Forestry Laws on December 8. Seth attended this all day event and returned with information which he will retain, available to anyone.
· Brooks will bring copy of Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting for Library.
Planning Board: Public hearing on December 13 concerning application for an automotive salvage yard on OE Trucking site was attended by Seth and Ann. Application was accepted by the PB with a few additional notices, review by CRNHPC, and town counsel. BCC strongly recommends a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan be added to conditions of approval. Concerns raised of drainage ditch leading directly into the Warner River carrying parking lot runoff, and any spillage, etc. Public hearing also for Corsair Realty sand and gravel operation on Pleasant Valley Road. Some or all of erosion concerns have been addressed. See PB notes for details. Definition of ‘buildable acre’ also before the PB. This seems confusing, does it fit with the use of the phrase elsewhere in the regulations? BCC to attend public hearing.
Liberty Elm Tree: a program initiated last year. Liberty Elm suggested planted at Blacksmith Shop (to be discussed again with Historical Society). Daughters of the American Revolution in Warner to be contacted – their anniversary of initiation of local chapter. Suggested to plant tree in spring, celebration during fourth of July event? BCC to retrieve this large free tree from Keene.
Zoning: There is a petition to roll back any revisions voted for by the public in the last 22 years. All changes pertaining to natural resources to be reviewed. Petition doesn’t identify specific problems or suggest solutions. Revisions since its adoption in 1989 seem to ease zoning restrictions or clarify – based on problems found by Zoning and Planning Boards in the intervening years. BCC may send note to local papers on the issues after review.
Natural Resource Inventory: Ann took aerial map to framer for discussion. Will check other sources to cut costs. Latest drafts have been emailed/printed for members for final review. Members will work on final question areas, details. All sections of ‘recommendations’ need rewording. Several chapters have not been drafted. Interesting photos requested. Additional meeting of January 10, at Library. Must be posted.
Discussion of membership: Nathanial to get current membership list to Town Clerk office.
Adjourned: 9:00pm , respectfully, J. A. Eldridge