Select Board Minutes 12.18.07



DECEMBER 18, 2007


Peter Fenton, Chair called the December 18, 2007 Selectmen’s Meeting to order at 6:00PM with Charles Meany, Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.


Emilio Cancio-Bello, Sutton School Board member advised that in 1986 when the elementary school was build, there was an agreement between two parties (unknown at this time) essentially to keep busses off Old Warner Road. He advised they had brought up safety issues, so brought safety people from the transportation company who do these kinds of assessments, and their evaluation is, there is no safety issues at that corner that would keep them from running the busses up and down Old Warner Road. In response to Peter Fenton’s question, they had not talked with any Town of Bradford officials. Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned, since there are no sidewalks, is there a safety issue, to which the answer was no. Chief Valiquet’s concerns are visibility and pedestrian traffic coming down Old Warner Road, and considers the intersection a small one for a State Highway. He also advised it is much easier for the busses to stop at the stop sign going the other way, coming out onto Route 103. Mr. Cancio-Bello advised they are in constant communication with Officer Burke from the State Safety Division. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that if something is procured in writing, then the District will be contacted to sit down and discuss it. Peter Fenton, Chair also advised the Road Agent should have been notified. The plan is to commence the change in routing busses the first of the year. If the Selectmen have any concerns it is a safety issue, John Steiner and the District will be notified.


4210 Police

Chief Valiquet was present and discussed his budget.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to adjust the budget to allow the increase of the Administrative Chief’s Hours by two hours a week. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion Carried 3-0.

4312 Highway

Steve Lucier, Road Agent was present to discuss his budget.

A letter dated December 7, 2007 from Ellen and Don MacNeil on East Washington Road (letter on file) was read into the minutes regarding the road bank eroding. It was agreed upon by the Selectmen to split the cost (estimated at $10,046.00) in remedying the situation as suggested in the MacNeil letter.

Much discussion ensued regarding the Highway Budget.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to reduce the Highway Budget by $7500.00. Andrew Pinard Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4240 Building Permit

On hold for now, Cheryl Behr, Administrator is checking on information.

4313 Bridges

Motion was made, to accept the budget on Bridges as presented, seconded and passed. 3-0

4441 Welfare Administration

The Selectmen agreed that receipts need to be turned into the Selectmen’s office for supplies. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check on Admin. Wages.

4445 Welfare Vendor Payments

The Selectmen were in agreement to accept the Welfare Vendor Payments as presented and forward to the Budget Committee. (No actual vote taken)

4520 Parks and Rec Budget

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard, Seconded by Charles Meany to Accept the Parks and Rec Budget as presented. Motion carried 3-0

4550 Library

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to pass the Brown Memorial Library Budget request. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0

4723 Interest on TAN Notes

Selectmen advised yes, with no actual vote taken.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

Other letters and forms were signed.

Notice was given that the previously scheduled Budget Committee meeting to be held tonight had been canceled and would meet on January 8, 2008.

The Lucas’(Map 4, Lot 34, Old Mountain Road) have submitted some paper work which has been reviewed by the Town Attorney who found no problems from a legal standpoint, however did suggest the Selectmen have the authority to agree to incorporate the suggested changes into the document, provided that doing so would not be contrary to any conditions the Planning Board may have imposed on the subdivision approval.

Two Intent to Cut requests received: 1.) Leighton on 500 Deer Valley Road, hauling through East Washington, Map 12, Lot 8. 2.) Renk, Route 114, Map 23, Lot 3.

Several Warrant Articles were discussed for Town Meeting:

1. Fireworks ordinance. Yes

Sprinkler Ordinance – Fire Chief involvement

2. Purchasing real estate out side of town meeting. (Decided not this year)

3. Changing day of Town Meeting. Yes

4. Video System upgrade. Yes, under Town Budget

5. Municipal Review.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to put a Warrant Article of $3500.00 for a Municipal Review of a Town Department, which will be non-lapsing. No actual vote taken.

6. Money for On Call Emergency Services. (Waiting for Dept. to come forward)

7. Rescue and Fire combined and the dollars reimbursement for equipment. Yes

Tom Riley, Chair NAC requested a meeting with the Selectmen on Friday morning. The Selectmen are unavailable then, but could meet with him on Thursday evening.

Notice of Decisions from the Planning Board were reviewed.

Motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 8:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


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