Draft Zoning Board Minutes 05.02.18

MAY 2, 2018

Roll Call:

Members: Brooks McCandlish, Chair; Bill Duffy, Vice Chair; Nathanial Bruss; Stephen Pierce

Denise Renk, absent

Alternates: Bob Hodges (absent), Ken Parys (absent)

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes of April 4th, 2018 were reviewed and accepted.
New Business:
There were no new Zoning applications for review although Garrett Bauer appeared to discuss proposed plans for the Sweet Beet/Bradford Inn property, Map 16/Lot 105, to determine if Unless, LLC would need to apply for a variance related to future plans. The two areas of concern Garret raised related to a second driveway access and expansion of the porch to support a delivery entrance.
Garrett’s concern with the second driveway related to a lack of road footage. The Board encouraged him to utilize street side delivery and advised that curb cut approval would likely need to come from the Select Board and Road Agent.
Expansion of the porch would involve an expansion of the footprint and since the property is an existing non-conforming building it would require a Special Exception by the Zoning Board rather than a Variance.
Zoning Board Communication:
1. The Board reviewed and made final edits to a revised Application for Variance form. A grateful Thank You was extended to Ken Parys for all his diligence in researching, and drafting, a revised application.
Motion: Nathaniel Bruss motioned to approve the form as amended
Second: Stephen Pierce
Decision: vote 4-0 in favor
2. The Board will begin reviewing the Special Exception application at the next Zoning Board meeting June 6th.
Other Business:
1. Laurie extended an invite to the Zoning Board from the Planning Board to attend a June 12, 7:00pm, legal training session at the BACC presented by Gardner Fulton & Waugh, PLLC. Brooks recommended all members attend if they are available.
2. Bill Duffy and Nathaniel Bruss were able to attend a conference help by the Planning Commission and shared the value they found in the sessions they participated in. Information included the ZBA decision making process, roles and responsibilities and meeting management. Some of the presentation data can be found here: https://www.nh.gov/osi/planning/resources/conferences/spring-2018/index.htm
3. The Board talked about an Inclusionary Housing Programs Request for Information received by the Recording Secretary, the request was from an organization in North Carolina and deemed low priority.
The next Zoning Board meeting will be held at the Bradford Community Center on June 6th, 2018 at 7:00 PM.
Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn
It was noted that the July meeting will be held on July 11th as the first Wednesday of the month is July 4th.