Economic Development Committee Agenda 09.10.20

 6:00 to 7:30 pm via Zoom & conference call

  1. COVID 19 Declaration (Chair)
  2. Introductions
  3. August 13, 2020 Meeting Minute Review
  4. Review of Pittsfield Marketing Materials
  5. Discussion of EDC Direction:
  6. Recap Last Meeting’s Discussion
  7. What is “economic development”? Why do we want it?
  8. What benefits come from such development? What are the effects on taxes, population, commerce? What are the follow-on effects?
    What are the drawbacks of development?
  9. What kinds of development are desirable? What kinds of businesses should be encouraged: home-based, industrial, commercial/retail? Where?
  10. What kinds of development are not desirable?
  11. What are the obstacles to desirable development?
  12. What are the ways forward?
  13. What revisions are needed to the work plan matrix?
  14. Other Items
  15. Adjournment

In light of the COVID 19 (Corona Virus) social distancing advice made by the Governor and CDC, the Town of Bradford, following a declaration of emergency by the Economic Development Committee Chairperson is conducting the meeting above by Zoom meeting and phone in. If you would like to participate in either method from home, please use the following:

  • Zoom Log In Link:

  • Zoom Call In: 1 929 205 6099
  • Zoom Meeting ID and Password for Both:
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 872 7264 3653
  • Zoom Password: 420611