Economic Development Committee Minutes 01.02.25

The meeting came to order shortly after 6:00 pm. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Bruce Gezelman, Jim Bibbo, and Dan Innis. Also attending were Marlene Freyler, and Matt Monahan from CNHRPC.

The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.

A review of ongoing items showed no further progress yet on the Currier & Ives Scenic Byway, we will continue to pursue this; no further progress on the Main Street/Route 103 Right-of-Way, Dan to follow up with the State; funding for a grant writer has been moved to the Budget Committee and the Select Board, we will also continue to research grants on our own as in the past.

Dan mentioned the Headlands Foundation, which is thinking about getting into funding of affordable housing. The foundation currently gives assistance to communities for housing and social services, and recently awarded a grant of $15,000 to the White Birch Center in Henniker.

There followed a long discussion around land use and housing. One of the subjects that came up was the former Merrimack Farm Store behind the Pizza Chef, how that might be developed to benefit the town, and how it might be financed. Marlene offered to talk to the owner about possibilities. She also suggested gathering local business people together to share ideas.

We will return to these topics in our next meeting in February.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill