Economic Development Committee Minutes 02.11.21

The meeting was opened at 6:10 PM. Present were Scott McCaskill (Chair), Stan Ovrevik, Barbara Bridgewater, Laurie Colburn, and Matt Monahan from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning. Bill Duffy and Mel Pfeifle (6:30) also joined.

The COVID-19 declaration was read by the chair.

Roll call was made, all indicated that no other persons were present.

Bill Duffy discussed what would be needed to produce a map of the recreational trails in Bradford, with a listing of local businesses on the reverse side, and markers on the map indicating the locations of the businesses. Submission formats were discussed, also whether businesses should make a donation to help underwrite the costs of production. Scott volunteered to contact Kathleen Bigford to find out about placing, in the Bradford Bridge, a notice to businesses who might wish to participate.

Matt Monahan led a discussion of the work plan for the coming year. The plan would include the trail map and promotion of local businesses, the ways to market Bradford as a recreational destination, and the tax incentives that might be useful in making Bradford more attractive to business.

Laurie suggested that it might be useful to have a quarterly meeting of representatives from the Select Board, the Planning Board, the Rural Heritage Connection, the Economic Development Committee, and possibly others, to coordinate efforts to attract more investment to Bradford.

Stan Ovrevik motioned to adjourn at 7:20, Laurie Colburn seconded. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 11, at 6:00 PM.

A link to the Zoom meeting will be posted with next month’s agenda.

Minutes submitted by Scott McCaskill.