Economic Development Committee Minutes 03.07.23

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm on March 7, 2023.

Members present: Scott McCaskill, Chair, Mel Pfeifle, Selectboard Representative, Libby Curtis Webb, Kris Foss, Jim Bibbo

Present via zoom: Matt Monahan, Central NH Regional Planning Commission

Absent: Joe Torro

Guests: N/A

Minutes & Members/Officers: The committee voted to approve the previous minutes. Motioned by Kris Foss, seconded by Libby Webb.

2023 Project List Review: The committee asked for clarification on the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) process and report that was distributed by Matt Monahan. Matt gave an overview of what type of information about the region and state could be found in a CEDS report, the projects listed in the previous report that involved Bradford. The committee reviewed the projects listed to assess if they are still relevant to be added during the upcoming CEDS process and/or added to the EDC 2023/24 project list. Matt discussed the importance of adding projects for consideration if we will want to apply for EDA funds in the future for them. Projects to be submitted before the 4/21/23 deadline include Bradford Town Hall 2nd Floor renovation, assessment and planning (Feasibility Study) for the Naughton property use, Solar Panels on town property, and creating a town business incubator. Additional projects to be added based on the EDC project list include a town website redesign, Main Street visibility and beautification, and promotion of local recreational areas including Bradford Pines.

The committee then reviewed the EDC project list to ask for sponsors for each item to be pursued in 2023. Kris Foss is to reach out to Mike James and other stakeholders or interest partners in the Naughton property use assessment and will sponsor the town website redesign, with 2023 focused on adding sections for business and recreation and/or assessing if it is more effective to begin a redesign. Libby Curtis Webb to sponsor the Refresh Bradford Pines recreational area and develop a promotional plan. Scott McCaskill to sponsor the Main Street revitalization work for 2023, and Jim Bibbo to sponsor bringing a stakeholders group together to plan and assess possible use cases and opportunities for the top floor of the Town Hall. Mel Pfeifle suggested that this item wait until after the Town Meeting and upcoming election and a needs assessment by Andrew Pinard that is being conducted soon.

Other Business: Mel Pfeifle suggested that the EDC develop a case study as a demonstration of the value of RSA 79E and Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) opportunities for a small business interested in a Main Street location in Bradford. The committee agreed this would be a valuable study and could be used as a use case for specific businesses or how properties along Main Street may benefit from the use of ERZ and RSA 79E. This will be pursued further at our next meeting.

Meeting Adjourned 7:30 pm

Next Meeting: April 4, 2023 6-7 pm

Respectfully submitted by Kris Foss