Economic Development Committee Minutes 05.15.20

Members: Jim Bibbo (Chair),Scott McCaskill (Chair), Stan Ovrevik, Matt Monahan (Central New Hampshire Regional Planning) Hambleton were in attendance.

Meeting was conducted via teleconference in accordance with Governor’s COVID-19 guidance in EO 2002-04.

The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM.

  • Scott McCaskill read the following emergency declaration into the meeting minutes:

 As Chair of the Bradford Economic Development Committee, I find that due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the Governor’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this public body is authorized to meet electronically. Please note that there is no physical location to observe and listen contemporaneously to this meeting, which was authorized pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Order. However, in accordance with the Emergency Order, I am confirming that we are:

a) Providing public access to the meeting by telephone, with additional access possibilities by video or other electronic means:

We are utilizing a telephonic conference call for this electronic meeting. All members of the [Board, Council, or Commission] have the ability to communicate contemporaneously during this meeting through this platform, and the public has access to contemporaneously listen and, if necessary, participate in this meeting through dialing the following phone # 1-866-866-2244 and password 48 856 466, or by clicking on the following website address:

b) Providing public notice of the necessary information for accessing the meeting:

We previously gave notice to the public of the necessary information for accessing the meeting, including how to access the meeting using Zoom or telephonically. Instructions have also been provided on the website of the Town of Bradford at

c) Providing a mechanism for the public to alert the public body during the meeting if there are problems with access:

If anybody has a problem, please call 603-938-5900 or email at:

d) Adjourning the meeting if the public is unable to access the meeting:

In the event the public is unable to access the meeting, the meeting will be adjourned and rescheduled.

Please note that all votes that are taken during this meeting shall be done by roll call vote.

Let’s start the meeting by taking a roll call attendance. When each member states their presence, please also state whether there is anyone in the room with you during this meeting, which is required under the Right-to-Know law.

  • All members and others in attendance indicated that they were alone and no one else was in the room.
  • Scott then began with a recap of the previous meetings:
    • Last meeting was canceled due to COVID 19
    • Prior meeting involved working with partners to begin planning for a Halloween 2020 event
  • Matt asked if any planning had begun on the Halloween event; Scott indicated that none had.
  • Stan then suggests that given the uncertainty about the fall due to COVID 19, that perhaps the event should be set for Halloween 2021; everyone in attendance agreed.

Everyone also agreed that we should reach out to the partners and that we should begin planning now. Matt indicated he would reach out to begin conversations.

Stan indicated that Leah Cummings might have a list.

Jim indicated that the Police Department representative was Ed Shaughnessy.

Matt indicated he would try to set a Zoom meeting with partners next month and that before then he would to a test run of Zoom with the EDC.

  • Under Other Business the Committee began to discuss the Planning Board and permitting process in Bradford.

Scott indicated that he had reviewed a decade-plus of Planning Board meeting minutes in an attempt to understand how the permitting process typically unfolds. In light of this research he indicated that he is not sure as to why people have indicated that it can be difficult to start a business in Bradford.

Jim agreed that there is a perception of difficulty in securing permits in Bradford.

The Committee felt that now the types of businesses that have been able to start in were smaller in nature now and home-based.

The Committee discussed that there may be some challenges with regard to particular ordinances and regulations and that a more thorough analysis may be in order. The Sign Ordinance was cited in particular.

Another observation made was with regard to public desires, and, in particular, that there may be a desire in town to be more of a “bedroom community.”

A final discussion point was that the Town could provide some increased clarity and contacts for potential applicants.

Matt indicated that if the Committee wanted to pursue this further research about the specific obstacles would be helpful and that they would need to engage with the Planning Board to discuss any findings. Additionally, any changes would be the responsibility of the Planning Board and not the EDC. The Committee agreed.

The permitting process would remain on the agenda in the future as a potential long-term project for the EDC.

  • The next Economic Development Committee meeting will be held on June 11th, 2020.

Motion: Stan Ovrevik motioned to adjourn at 7:40pm.

Second: Scott McCaskill

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Matt Monahan, CNHRPC